Willow, Willow

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After my two angels were fed and fast asleep, dressed into my pajamas and jumped into bed. I was exhausted and I couldn't wait to doze off into beautiful slumber.

The lake glittered underneath the morning sun and the fish brushed past us playfully.

We were splashing each other in delight and laughing loudly.

I looked up at the brown-skinned girl with striking white hair and stark blue eyes.

She was telling me something and I giggled tremendously.

She seemed somewhat familiar.When I had stopped laughing, her face donned a serious expression and the waters vanished along with the vibrant fish.

"Dawn," she called.

"Be careful. You're other side is opening up. You must unlock it before we find you. But be wary, for your suppressed side comes from King Freddin and his family's undergone gruesome events."

"Don't get too caught up in it. Focus on the good things. The earth is a beautiful yet vile creature. You must protect everyone."

"You must protect your children. We are almost near, Dawn Rose.

"Your Willow will be here soon."

And she vanished.

I woke up to the sudden sound of footsteps in my room, to see it was Noah. I pretended to be asleep and watched him come near me and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I carefully watched him slip into the nursery and I heard whispering something to my babies.

"Aren't you guys a sight for sore eyes," he laughed quietly. "I need to tell you guys something but please don't tell your mum. Okay here goes... I love your mother with all my heart. But I know we can never be together now. So please, when I'm gone, don't stress her out too much. Always protect her. She's the most caring soul on this earth and it's hard to come across such beings like that today. I won't be seeing you guys... in a long long time."

A single tear fell from my eye as I heard those words from Noah. My heart broke in two and I felt so much guilt and sorrow. I still love him, of course I do, but then do I just ignore the fact that I've found my soul mate? But then what if my soul mate really was Noah?

My mind was in a huge mess and my heart in pieces. What do I do?

•• •• ••

I made my way downstairs to grab some breakfast when I came across Davina and Kol arguing about something. It seemed as if Davina was trying to convince Kol about something because she was pushing him up against the wall and stroking his chest.

I didn't know what to make of it because Kol wasn't with me, but nevertheless I felt a pang of jealousy.

I tried to go unnoticed but Kol called out my name and I was forced to turn around. I put on an awkward smile and waved.

"Hey..." I said quietly and Davina turned around with a cold expression. We all stood there in awkward silence.

"Dawn!" Noah's voice rang through the silence and he entered the scene. It was very awkward now and Noah sensed it too.

"Hey Davina. Kol," he nodded his head at them and Davina's cold look vanished. She smiled at Noah, a bit too much if you ask me. I felt a tinge of jealousy by the way she looked at Noah but what could I do about it?

"I don't understand you at all Davina," Kol claimed suddenly. She frowned at him in confusion.

"What don't you understand Kol?" she asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Well you clearly fancy that witch over there," Kol explained and Davina bit her lip.

"I-I don't! I love you Kol! YOU!" she shouted at him but he just rolled his eyes again.

"Hypocrite," Kol retorted and she gasped. She stayed silent for a while before laughing.

"H-hypocrite? Oh my god Kol don't make me laugh! You're soul mate is a freaking hypocrite!" she pointed towards me in anger. "LOOK AT HER! She's stringing you AND Noah along and like idiots you're both falling for it! She says she loves you, doesn't she Noah? Oh sorry no wasn't it you Kol?"

Davina had snapped. And I was the pinpoint for her accusations. I couldn't move. Both pairs of eyes laid on me as Davina ranted on and on about me being in love with the both of them.

It's true. I do love them both. But Davina's interpretation is so wrong.

"I-I-I..." I tried to say but no words formed in my mouth. Instead, tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. I looked at Noah - his eyes were watery too. I looked at Kol who had anger, confusion and sadness all mixed into his eyes. I looked at Davina and I could see the hurt evidently in her eyes.

No one said a thing.

So I just turned on my heel and left.

Sorry this chapter is very short! I won't be updating for a while but I'll be editing my chapters so please don't get your hopes up when you see that I've published!

I'm very sorry about this but I have no time to continue this story.

But don't worry, I'll be back with a whole set of chapters for you guys soon!

Thank you so much for reading the book!



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