Two New Roses

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She held onto my hand ever so tightly as she screamed and screamed. I kept whispering things into her ear trying to encourage her.

"NOAH SHUT UP! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW FREAKING PAINFUL THIS IS!" she yelled at me and I shut my mouth.

"OH MY GOD!" she screamed and then I heard the teeniest cry ever.

"One down, one to go," Freya said, handing the baby to Hayley.

"THERE'S ANOTHER ONE?!!" Dawn shouted. "OH GOD NO!"

"You can do this Dawn!" Hope said and she just groaned.

"COME ON DAWN!" Freya yelled and then she started pushing. Her screams echoed through my ears until I finally heard the next little cry.

"Done!" Freya spotted in triumph and went to wash the baby with Hope. I sighed in relief and placed my hand on Dawn's cheek.

"You did it," I whispered and she smiled weakly before closing her eyes. I thought she was just resting but when I listened closely I could hear her heartbeat slowing down.

"DAWN!" I shook her but no luck. "FREYA! HAYLEY!"

They came rushing in with the babies in their hands.

"What's going on?" Hope said.

"Dawn... she's dying!" I yelled and Freya ran to her side. She started chanting a spell which I too joined in and so did Hope. Our chanting got louder but her heartbeat was only getting slower. I pushed all the magic I had into the spell and then a white burst of light shot out of her body like a beacon. We all pulled away in shock.

"Her body..." Freya stated and just like it had come it vanished.

"Dawn!" I cried out. "Dawn!"

She didn't respond.

"Is she...?" Hope trailed off while Freya and Hayley looked down at her with grim expressions.

"No...she can't be," I whispered. Dawn could not be dead. "She's not dead!"

I felt the tears pouring out of my eyes as I grabbed her body, shaking her. "WAKE UP!"

"Noah stop!" Hope cried but I kept shaking her limp body.

"She can't be dead!" I cried and Hope pushed me away from her.

"Stop," she said calmly and I breathed in heavily. Hope hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. After a while, I heard something unusual.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered and Hope pulled away.

"Hear what?" she frowned as I stepped closer towards Dawn's body. I could hear a light thud coming from her chest.

"Her''s beating!" I whispered loudly and Hope gasped. The beat picked up pace until it was almost hammering against her chest. And suddenly a breath of air escaped Dawn's lips as her eyes burst open and her body shot up.

Her eyes searched the room frantically and I could sense her fear.

"Dawn!" I cried and she turned to look at me. Her eyes were stark grey, almost white. We stared at each other for minutes before she finally let out a few words. Her eyes changed back to their usual brown.

"Noah? What happened?" she mumbled and I sighed in relief.

"Oh god I thought you had lost all your memories again!" I said and hugged her tight. She let out a nervous laugh.

"Okay... where are we?" she asked and I frowned. I pulled away.

"New Orleans. You've been here for months considering you were pregnant and all," I explained and her eyes widened.

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