The Three

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8 months later

I had avoided Kol as much as I could after Noah left. I didn't want to deal with anymore love drama. I can't believe it's been 8 months now. My belly seems unusually humongous and I couldn't stop eating beignets! Hope, Ink and I spent a lot of time together. It was nice but it didn't really feel the same without Noah... I wonder how he is doing.

"Right Dawn?" Hope's voice cut into my thoughts. I shook out of my daze.

"Sorry, I zoned out," I apologized and rubbed my belly. It was so weird that I was having a baby. I mean I know I am technically super ancient but still felt like I was only seventeen. I never imagined myself as a mother which is weird because I adore children.


"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," I face palmed myself. I don't know why I kept zoning out.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked me and I sighed.

"I just... I wish Noah was here...and I can't believe I'm having a baby," I confessed. Hope hugged my shoulders and smiled.

"It's going to be magical," she said and I smiled back at her. I certainly hope so. "Let me go get some beignets."

"You're amazing," I beamed at her and she giggled a little as she walked away.

I sighed and looked at my belly. "I think you've had enough time in there don't you think?"

I felt a small kick and I smiled to myself. "I'll take that as a no then."

Everything felt all so eerie all of a sudden. The atmosphere changed and wind began to whistle in my ears. The vines started moving and the water in the fountain went wild. It literally was flying around everywhere. I felt a few snowflakes fall on my eyelashes and flowers creeped out in between the cobblestone.

A large tree broke through the middle of the courtyard surrounded by millions of wildlife. In front of the tree stood three, tall women. One wore a grassy green gown with a crown of twigs and leaves in her brown hair.
The one on the left wore a brown-orange gown with a halo of wheat and brown leaves dancing around her flaming red hair whilst the tallest one in the middle fashioned a rippling blue dress complete with a tiara of water droplets.

"Dawn Ellenoa Rose, Daughter of King Freddin Rose and Lady Ellenoa Agatha. We are The Three!" they boomed in unison. I stepped back a little and didn't utter a word.

"I am Dryope, Protector of the Earth," said the lady in green.

"I am Carpo, Lady of the Harvest," said the one on the left. The tallest one stepped forward, showing that she was the one in charge.

"And I am Harpina, Queen of the Waters," she bellowed. "I see you are with child."

My hands instinctively went to my belly and Harpina smiled a little evilly.

"Oh dear girl. There is no need to be frightened. You see, we are here to protect you," she explained.

"I have a hard time believing that," I retorted and she stopped moving closer to me.

"You should be down on your knees praising us! We are superior to you!" Carpo boomed in anger.

"Patience sister!" Dryope butted in. "Miss Rose has lost her memory, remember?"

"Oh yes!" Carpo squealed a bit too excitedly.

"Both of you shut up!" Harpina snapped angrily at them and turned back to me with a smile. "You know dear, we hold all your memories. Every single one. We may give them back to you..."

"For a price," I cut her off and she smiled in response.

"Why of course! We will give you all your memories and in return you give us one of your children!" Carpo offered.

"M-my children?" I stuttered. Why was it plural?

They all turned to me and smiled evilly.

"Did you not know you're bearing twins?"


"No," I said as calmly as possible. I couldn't show them that I was panicking.

"We are certainly delighted to wait a little till your new babies arrive," Harpina explained.

"What if I don't want my memories back?" I challenged them and Harpina's smile faltered. She turned to the two ladies and they began communicating in a language I hadn't heard of.

It gave me some time to think. Would I really risk giving my children to them in exchange for my memories? The very people who keep my father trapped in a tree for centuries? They're the reason I have to lose my memory every time I die. They're the reason why I can never see my mother again.

Am I really that cruel as to give up my children to them? No way.

"I'm sorry but I would rather die than give up any of my children to you!" I spat angrily.

Harpina turned very slowly with a cold look in her blue eyes.

"Then your wish is my command!" she said and all three of them stretched their hands out. I felt a large wave of pain wash over me and I could feel the wind gushing around.
I felt twigs cut my face and get tangled in my hair yet all I could think about was my twins. I screamed and let any power that I had in me to fight this.

I saw my hands glow and I pointed them straight at Harpina. I closed my eyes shut in pain. They shrieked in fear and disappeared without a trace.

I opened my eyes and the courtyard was completely empty. My stomach started hurting immensely and after a minute I realized what was happening.

"HOPE!" I screamed. "SOMEONE!"

The pain was unreal. I doubt this was how contractions happened but I know it had something to do with the Three.

"HELP!" I cried out. I was writhing on the floor in pain. My vision began going blurry but I could see someone in front of me.

"Help..." I said softly and they grabbed me and raced me to a bed. Everything was going in slow motion. I could barely see what was going on but I recognized Hope getting everything ready. I think I saw Freya there as well and Hayley too.

"Dawn! Dawn!" someone was calling my name. I looked to my right and saw the one man I was waiting on.

"Noah, you're here," I smiled weakly and he smiled back.

"Dawn listen to me. You need to focus. The babies are coming!" he said enthusiastically. I heard him murmur a small spell and I felt energy rushing through my body.

"Let's do this," I said to myself. Freya was waiting for me and then when she told me, I started pushing as hard as I could.

"You got this," Noah whispered into my ear.

sorry i've been super busy this past week! hope you liked the chapter! things get really interesting now;)...

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