Always And Forever (II)

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I continued chanting in my head and I felt an odd power consume me. I didn't know what it was but I felt power flow through me and I raised my hands and grabbed The Hollow, watching as my power consumed her and absorbed her into the earth.

My eyes were closing and the power I felt a few seconds ago disappeared with The Hollow. I couldn't breathe with all this blood but I was too weak.

I felt Ink's arms grab me and lift me up onto the floor. I was dazed and I couldn't see straight. My hands were numb and my head pounded.

"Ink..." I trailed off before coughing up blood next to him. He took my jacket and put it around me and picked me up in his arms. I kept my eyes closed trying to not cough on Ink. He took me outside and he laid me in the backseat of the car and drove back to the compound.

"Ink..." I mumbled when we got there. "Did it work?"

Ink turned around to look at me, "I don't know. But right now we gotta get you to Noah."

I nodded and he got of the car and helped me out. I leaned onto him as we walked into the compound. I heard laughing and cheering in the dining room but I couldn't go. I was a bloody mess and Hope said the Mikaelsons were all about first impressions. Ink set me down on a couch and pulled out his phone.

"Hope call me back ASAP!" Ink voiced and called Noah repeating the same thing. There was no answer. We waited for a while and Noah rushed in behind us along with Hope and Freya. Hope looked severely exhausted and she had a bleeding nose but she seemed fine.

"Hope," Ink whispered as she rushed to us and embraced Ink.

"Dawn," Noah said. His eyes widened at the blood that was all over me. He looked at Ink.

"I thought I told you to pull her out if anything happens!" Noah fumed.

"She told me not to! I was gonna do it but she refused and kept chanting!" Ink said defensively.

"You should have pulled her out anyway! Look at her! She could've died!" Noah yelled. I looked between them. Ink stepped forward yelling back at Noah and they argued immensely.

"Stop..." I muttered but they didn't hear me.

"She's not some glass object Noah! She took down the freaking Hollow and if I pulled her out any sooner we would've all been screwed!" Ink argued pushing Noah. Noah was about to punch Ink for pushing him but Hope got in the way and tried to calm them down. She didn't want to make a scene. But Noah pushed past Hope to Ink but after that I didn't see what happened. My mind went blank and I heard a cold, shrill voice.

We finally found you Dawn. After millennia we have found you. You will no longer be a curse to the spirits. We will-

But another voice pushed it's way inside my head.


You have done well.

You have opened the other part of yourself.

But now you must unlock it before it overwhelms you.

You must be careful now.

The Three will come for you and you must be ready when they do.

Don't trust them.

They will try to manipulate you or your loved ones and turn them against you.

DAWN (The Originals Fanfiction) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ