Bye Bye Hollow

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Noah and I went to Hope's room to find her and Ink in bed sleeping. I smirked and looked at Noah who was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

I walked to Hope's side and Noah went over to Ink's side and on the count of three we would jump on them, embarrassing the hell out of them.

"3....2....1..." I mouthed and pounced onto Hope as Noah did the same to Ink.

"AHHHHH!" Hope screamed as she sat up suddenly grabbing the covers even though she was wearing clothes.

"NOAH WHAt THE HELL?!" Ink yelled getting up as well. Noah and I just laughed and laughed at their reddening faces.

"Dawn!" Hope complained covering her face with her hands. Ink kicked Noah and just shook his head.

"Hey Hope," Noah said grinning widely.

"What Noah?" Hope muffled still embarrassed as Ink put an arm around her shoulder.

"It's the Super Moon today!" I exclaimed and gave her the jazz hands. She seemed to recover a bit from the embarrassment and smiled, excitement twinkling in her eyes.

"It is!" she squealed and turned to Ink who winked at her and kissed her in front of us. When he pulled away Hope covered her face again.

"Ink!" she claimed.

"What? They barged in here and now they'll just have to watch us make out," Ink winked and smirked at us.

"Gross. Nope we're leaving. Come on Noah," I gagged grabbing Noah's hand and walking out of the room hearing Ink laugh.

•• •• ••

We all gathered at the dining table for lunch to carry out the plan. The Mikaelsons had arrived yesterday on the outskirts of New Orleans and were awaiting Hope to reunite them. We sat at the table chatting as usual, waiting for Freya and Hayley.

"So what did you guys do yesterday?" Hope asked Noah and I as she ate her sandwich. I glanced at Noah who just coughed.

"Us? Oh we just did couple stuff you know..." Noah said glancing at me. I smiled and nodded.

"You guys totally screwed each other didn't you?" Ink chuckled and Hope looked at me for confirmation.

"So what if we did?" I replied throwing my hands in the air.

"Chill Ariel I was just messing with you! But we did have a lot of fun yesterday right?" Ink wiggled his eyebrows at Hope who giggled, nodding her head.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them and turned to Noah.

"You ready for the ritual?" Noah asked me rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Yeah. I'm a little nervous but I know you'll be right there," I smiled.

"It's not too late to back out you know. I'm sure Hope would understand," he said a bit concerned.

"No I can't do that to Hope. She's waited long enough to have her family back," I stated. Noah stared at me.

"Why do you love me?" I asked him quietly.

"I love you because you are so selfless and brave in any times of trouble. You are literally the glue that keeps us all together. As a family," he responded waiting for me to tell him my reason.

"And I love you because you too are selfless, caring, sweet and also incredibly hot," I giggled leaning to kiss him.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back.

Ink banged the table hard and he stood up.

"Oi Noah my man! You finally told her!" Ink shouted and Hope gasped.

"You said it?" Hope whispered.

"Yes we did," I grinned at Noah and he grinned too. Hope squealed and tried to get Ink to sit back down as Freya and Hayley walked into the room.

"Hey Aunt Freya. Is Keelin coming?" Hope questioned.

"No she had some work stuff to do but she promised to be here for the party," Freya smiled as Hope nodded. I glanced at Freya who just nodded at me.

"The Mikaelsons are all ready right Hope?" Hayley asked her, folding her arms.

"Yep they're awaiting my call. They'll be here at 9," Hope answered.

"Alright guys," Hope stood up ready to tell us the whole plan. "So for this to work we need your full cooperation. I'll be doing the spell at the place where The Hollow was reborn along with Noah and Aunt Freya."

"Dawn you'll be at the Strix's old witch room with Ink and Mum you have to gather the Mikaelsons here at the compound, making sure they don't try to come after me. Marcel and Davina will help," she explained.

"What exactly is this spell?" Noah asked.

In case you're wondering, Noah wasn't a young vampire. He doesn't know what year he was born in but he can date back as far as to 1400 AD.
And why is he in school? Well he said he got kinda bored of traveling so he decided to go to school - if he didn't he wouldn't have met me anyway

Apparently when he died, he was brought back to life by an unknown coven of witches who had very powerful magic. He died a human who hadn't tapped into his magic yet but when they resurrected him, he was a Siphoner. He was inexplicably turned into a vampire shortly after therefore becoming the first Heretic.

"It's a spell that was used in ancient greek times by the Verdania Coven. They used this spell to trap evil spirits in the earth knowing that the nature spirits would kill them," Freya clarified.

"And this will 100% work right?" I asked Hope.

"Yes it will work if we get it at the exact moment when the moon is full and clear," Hope reassured.

"At the stroke of midnight, we will cast the spell that will remove The Hollow from my family and try to contain her. That's when Dawn comes in and absorbs the spirit whole, releasing her into the Earth to rot and die," Freya explained, emphasizing die.

"Alright let's get the Mikaelson clan back!" Ink cheered and we all nodded in return.

Sorry if this chapter is short but the next two will be quite long! Please comment and tell me what you think so far:))) love ya xoxo

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