Chapter Five

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I stroll into the classroom, my pain warming me up and causing my cheeks to tint slightly with blush. I hope my marks from our fun aren't getting infected.

A tall and handsome man with deep brown eyes and inky black hair looks at me and does a double take.

What, do I have something on me? I check but don't see anything obvious. No stains, smudges, tears, or anything like that.

I decide to ignore him and find a chair. Sitting down, I take my backpack off and fix my skirt. I pull out my notebook and pencil which are now my only means of communication. Fingering my necklace, I am about to lose myself in a daydream, but the man who was staring comes over interrupting me and my thoughts.

"My name is Axel Toma. Am I to presume that you are Sang Sorenson?" He asked politely.

I simply nod. Mr. Toma seems to be waiting for something, but I don't know what to do or what he is waiting for so I just sit and fiddle with my necklace. With a disappointed look in his dark eyes, he turns and walks off.

"Alright, class. Today we will be focusing on pages fifty through sixty-three in our textbooks. Read it silently. I am passing out a reading guide that will be due at the end of the class. Once you are finished, you may have a free period to silently catch up on work. Not that you should have any work this early in the year," He announces, his smoky voice filling the classroom.

With that, he starts to hand out the reading guide. I take the history book out from the basket under my chair. I open up to page fifty and Sarah reads the pages two at a time memorizing every piece of information. It takes her no longer than a few seconds for each pair of pages and soon we are finished with the reading part. Quickly, she writes down the answers to the questions in the guide.

Five minutes into the class and we are done. I set the guide in the corner of my desk and pull out my notebook. Opening it up to a new page, I start to draw a bloody rose. It is a Chrysler Imperial, my favorite rose. They are normally red and the rose I am drawing is a deep red that is dripping matching colored blood from the thorns that surround it.

The class is over soon and I smile goodbye to Mr.Toma before walking to my next class.

I have to walk across the campus to get to my Japanese class. While I am in perfect shape due to Star's training during my sleep, I still hate any form of exercise. Including walking. And standing. And anything like that nonsense.

Annoyed with the walking, I fling open the door and see Dr.Green looking startled again. What? I like to fling doors open, especially when I am mad or tired.

Dr. Green grins when he sees that it is me. He certainly is a strange man.

"How's your throat, Sang? Is it hurting?" He asks, being the doctor that he is.

I nod eagerly. I love the burning sensation. It helps keep me focused and makes everything sharper. Dr. Green looks taken aback at my answer. Maybe he didn't expect it to hurt...?

Humans are such strange creatures.

"You're still a human," Sarah points out unhelpfully.

I make a point of ignoring her insult.

"I'm so sorry, Sang. I can give you so more medicine during lunch when you come for me to check up on you," Dr. Green offers.

I shrug my shoulders, not caring either way.

"Well, get ready for class," He says before saying in Japanese, "Hello! Are you having a good day?"

Because of Star, I understand that he is speaking Japanese and what he is saying. I nod my head happily in reply. I have made so many pretend friends!

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