Chapter Seven

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The song is for when Sang sings. The video can be ignored as it has no importance or correlation to the story and is only there for the audio.



Sang's POV

I scramble out of the bus behind Marie knowing how much she hates waiting for me to get off. Master makes us come in at the same time with a special knock so she knows who we are. It is kinda useless since she is normally asleep when we come home, but we don't want to risk her being awake.

Marie gives the knock: three quick, a pause, a quick and a loud, pause, two quick, a loud knock, and a quick one, a pause, and a short.

Excessive and annoying? Yes. Important to Master? Yes. So Marie and I make do knowing that there is no need to fight Master on this.

We step in and loud snores signal to us that Master is sound asleep. Marie turns to look at me with disgust in her brown eyes, "You stupid ****ing *****. You think you can just go against your masters?"

Marie thinks she is my master as well, but Master told me that she is the only master I will ever have. I don't say anything because Marie likes to talk and talk with no point to it and she knows I can't speak.

"I could get you in trouble," Marie says, "But I've decided that I will be kind and generous. You introduce me to those boys and clean my room and I won't say anything. Just let me know when you get tired of playing with your toys."

Marie looks kinda strange with a smile on her face that looks kinda outta place. (OMG! I keep rhyming! XD)

"Do I accept, ignore, or decline?" I ask Sarah. Sometimes I think she should just do my thinking for me. Wouldn't that be great? To never have to use your brain again?

"Accept. It's not her worst deal. She thinks it's going to take us hours to clean her room, but between the three of us, it should not take too long."

I smile at Marie and nod my head. She knows all too well that I can't speak right now. She glares at me.

"Good. If my mother asks, tell your master that I am in my room. I'm going to go hang out with my friends. Too bad you'll never have real friends, *****."

For some reason, she changes before heading out. She is only wearing a vest and short skirt with crazy high heels. She has thick eyeliner and red lipstick and her foundation looks like cream on her skin. Would it be mean to say that I hate her outfit?

I frown at her words. I'm pretty sure that Sarah and Star are real friends. Besides, I have never had real friends that I can touch. Why would I start now?

I quickly change my bandages and carefully apply a tiny bit of medicine. I am reluctant to use the medicine since I don't have much of it, but sores like these are what the medicine is for.

I go up to clean Marie's room. I wrinkle my nose. It would be easier to trash the rest of the house to match than clean this dump.

I squeal. A mouse! I now see why Marie made this deal.

Good thing animals and I love each other. Unless I'm eating them of course! Our relationship is... Complicated.

I start to sing bringing in animals to help me clean and Star uses her brainy powers to move stuff around.

I am joined by several creatures: squirrels, opossum, a couple of turkeys, a deer, and more as they invite their friends to our cleaning party. I give a special greeting to Sprinkles, he is my best animal friend and a skunk. When I move out, I am going to take him with me.

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