Chapter Sixteen

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The boys look back at me.

"What..." Luke manages.

"The..." Brandon adds.

"****..." Meanie trails off as well.

"Just..." Axel says.

"Happened..." Silas finishes.

They all look dumbfounded and in shock.


"When I sing, I can control and communicate with animals," I answer helpfully.

Corey collapses.



"I killed him!!" I wail.

I start to sob.

This is why I shouldn't have shown them!

I just killed one of them!

They will never want to be my friend again.

I guess I just lost my family...

I sob harder, snapping them into action.

Pug rushes to Corey and the others split to crowd around me and Corey.

They try to talk to me, but I am crying too hard to really say anything.

I think I am going to cry my eyes out and never stop crying...

I don't think I can handle being responsible for this.

Someone else's death? Probably.

Corey's? Never.

Then, the most horrible word cuts through my cries.


I stop abruptly.

My head whips around to look at Pug.

"You dare disgrace his dead body with that vile word?!" I roar, furious.

"Sang!" North Star shouts. "It was the only way to snap you out of it!"

I turn to look suspiciously at North Star.

I try to control my temper and force out, "What. Are. You. Talking. About."

"We tried to tell you! Corey isn't dead! He just fainted!" North Star bellows.

"North!" Kota barks. "Don't yell at her! She thought she just killed him."

I don't really listen to him, though.

I am too busy cracking up.

When I can breathe enough, I gasp out, "You mean, Corey fainted like some little princess in a cheesy cartoon?"

This sets me off again.

They all start to laugh with me, even Mr.Blackbourne and Corey who is still recovering from his dramatic faint.

I laugh so hard that I have tears streaming down my face.

I hold my gut and laugh and laugh.

I take deep breaths, but I just as up choking on the air and laughing at myself.

Eventually, I am able to breathe again. I wipe my tears and snot. I gasp for air and bite my lips closed to keep from laughing again.

Mr.Blackbourne smiles a real smile and says, "Now that that is over, would you like to explain further?"

"You promised no questions yet, so all I am going to say that this. I can control animals. They hear my voice and come towards the sound. When they find me, they normally bring friends and they all listen to me and follow my orders. When their jobs are complete, they sit and listen to my voice. When I stop singing, they normally head home. Sometimes they stick around, but not always."

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