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Allura walked around the village as she saw pidge showing the boy they rescued as the moles how to make a fire as he was excited to learn.

"Hey pidge, hi..." She trailed off for the boys name.

"I'm Liam," he beamed up at her and Allura smiled squatting down.

"Greetings Liam, do you want to join me with your fellow colleagues? It's very important," she asked him and Liam stood up nodding with a joyful smile as she could tell their herbs they granted the ill kids that it was working as his rash was minimum now and he no longer itched till he bled.

"Margo!" Liam waved despite her blindness she looked over hearing her name from talking with someone.

"What's up?" She asked as the two walked over.

"I need to speak with you all, it's about your people," Allura told her gently and glanced around not noticing her brother around nor Lotor.

"Meet me in the den, I have to find Lance and Lotor," Allura sighed annoyed knowing they'd still be sleeping together in lances hut.

"Lance, meeting, moles," Allura walked in but saw no one in the hut and let out a groan.

"Where the hell are you Lance?" Allura went to the other tree toppers and saw Keith sharpening his knife.

"Where's Lance?" She asked Keith.

"Haven't seen him all morning," Keith raised an eye brow.

"Lotor?" Allura offered. He shook his head.

"They always check in before going on a mission," Allura looked around narrowing her eyes.

"Do you think they just might be scouting together?" Keith stood up concerned slightly.

"No, Lance wouldn't just be 'scouting' if its with Lotor," she made a face. "Plus he'd herd a few of you to go scouting,"

"So they snuck off to get alone time, so what?" Keith shrugged.

"They don't sneak off, Lotor and Lance don't hide their relationship, if you haven't noticed," Allura chuckled softly and made eye contact with Matt as she blushed softly.

"There a problem Allura?" Matt walked over with a small smile.

"Just can't find Lance or Lotor," Allura shrugged.

"Want me to go look for them? I'll grab Harper, Plaxum and pidge," Keith crossed his arms. After the months of Lance and Keith becoming closer to best friend, Keith was one of lances most trusted by now as he caught along on how they did things above. Many respected it too.

"Harper and Plaxum went on a mission with other toppers, they should've been back by now," Allura put a hand on her chin frowning. It didn't seem right, none of it did.

"You think something could've happened to them?" Matt asked crossing his arms but concern filled his voice.

"If they're not back in an hour then we send search parties," Allura confirmed with a nod and walked away but Matt followed her quickly.

"You okay?" Matt asked gently as Allura touched his hand softly and he hooked his pinky with hers.

"I fear something could've happened to Lance... To all of them," Allura sighed as they went to the den and saw the new recruits.

"I can't loose my brother again," she said under her breath sternly and Matt nodded glancing back at pidge.

"I know what you mean,"


Lance woke up with a groan as his breath hitched in pain and felt his bare arms had no armor nor did he have weapons. He went to sit up from his side but cried out when he hit his head on something metal.

He opened his eyes finally and saw a black metal wall as he was in some sort of box. No, it was a cage. Lance turned around and saw it was open where it was a metal fence only two feet by two feet for the walls in the boxed cage.

"Hello?" He called and gasped seeing he was four boxes high as there was more cages under him and above him and down the sides of hundreds and hundreds of the cages.

"Lotor?!" Lance cried out gripped the fence and saw across the prison was a familiar face.

"Harper!" Lance screamed for him and the boy woke up with a jump and hit his head as well.

"Wha- Lance!" Harper cried out in fear.

"What's happening? Where are we?" Harper had fear in his eyes as Lance looked around and felt his heart sink to hell.

"We're in the underworld," the words left his lips.

"Lance? Are you alright?" He heard above and a small whimpered escaped  his lips.

"L-Lotor..." Lance tried to reach but his fingers only could fit.

"I'm here love," Lotor sat in the cage with his back against the wall as he had a calm expression and voice but his heart raced and jumped at the sounds he was unfamiliar with such as machines in the distance.

"Lotor I'm back, I'm back down here," Lance gripped the fence with one hand and his other he covered his face. He felt Lotors fingers skimmed his own and he reached up as much as he could as their fingers laced together as best as they could.

"Your not alone my love, I'm right here," Lotor comforted him as his thumb rubbed the tips of lances fingers.

"What are they going to do with us?" Lance breathed as he saw moles shoving other warriors from above into cages either conscious or not.

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