Chapter Four

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"Peter, I'm going to fail. I'm never going to become a nurse and we're never going to have enough money to support us." I ranted, pacing around the living room slowly.

"Babe, calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down." I frowned, looking over at him.

"You're just over thinking it. You're going to pass." he chuckled slightly.

"It's the final exam for my nursing class." I sighed, "I don't think so."

Four years have come and gone in this lovely college. We're both twenty two now and graduating in about three weeks. Peter has already finished all his final exams and passed them with flying colors. If I could only be smart like him, I wouldn't be worrying about this exam.

"If you keep thinking negatively, you're not going to." he stated, "You're going to pass, I promise. You've studied all week; day and night."

"Yeah, but-"

"No 'but's. You're going to pass and that's that. Now, go take that exam while I got out and find that weird fire guy."

"He's back at it again?"

"Sadly." he sighed, "I thought he finally gave up about three years ago."

"What if he attacks my classroom and screws up the exam?" I asked, my eyes wide.

He stared blankly at me as he walked over to me, placing his hands on my waist, "I'll make sure he don't."

"Don't look at me like that. You look like an unemotional creep." I sighed.

He chuckled and pecked my lips, "Go on. You don't want to be late."


I tapped my pencil against the desk, biting my bottom lip. I had about three more questions left, but I had no idea what the answers were. I sighed loudly and laid my head down, closing my eyes. Just breath.. Think about it and take your time. You have about twenty minutes left.. I sat up again and looked around the room, noticing people already finishing. 

I looked down at the paper, jumping when a loud bang sounded throughout the room, followed by smoke. I raised an eyebrow and watched a man be thrown against the wall, Spiderman following instantly. I groaned loudly. Thanks, Peter. I quickly filled in random answers and ran down to the teacher, who was in shock from what just happened. I handed him the paper, smiled at him, and quickly ran out of the room, glaring at Spiderman on my way out.

He rubbed the top of his head and shrugged, being thrown back by a ball of fire. I quickly ran to the back of the building, changing into my outfit before tossing my stuff in a bush. I jumped up in the air and quickly flew back into the room, seeing Spiderman continuously flinging webs at the man. I sighed and ushered people out of the room. I quickly flew outside and looked around, seeing a fire extinguisher on the wall.

Grabbing it quickly, I made my way back into the classroom and aimed it at the mans back, squeezing the handle tightly. The man turned around and I continued to spray the man, looking over at Spiderman, "Go find a water hose." I stated.

He nodded and swung out of the room, soon returning with a long hose with the water already on. I moved out of the way, the man crumpling down on the ground when he was hit with the water. I let out a breath and flew over to Spiderman, "Thanks for crashing into the classroom during the exam."



Next chapter will be they're life at home & possibly the proposal :D

I should probably change the title to this book, but..I'm lazy.

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it :)

College-Bound Superheroes (Sequel to 'Spider-who?')Where stories live. Discover now