Chapter Sixteen

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"Parker?" a nurse called out after about twenty minutes of waiting for the results.

Peter and I quickly made our way over to her, both of us slightly scared about the news.

"I'm sorry, but you're not pregnant." she stated, looking at us, "Just keep trying."

"We'll keep that in mind. Thank you." Peter sighed in relief before pulling me out of the waiting room quickly.

"We're not going to be parents yet." I chuckled slightly out of relief, "That's good."

"It's great." he nodded, "Let's go hunt us down a job."

"You need to go to Oscorp."

He frowned and looked down at me, "Why would I want to work there?"

"That's really the only place you have around here for the kind of science you studied for. I need to go to the hospital and see if they need any new baby doctors." I smiled brightly, "I hope they do."

"I really don't want to work at Oscorp." he frowned, looking down at me, "Not after everything that went down."

"Peter, you don't really have any other choice. You could become a chemistry teacher since you also have that kind of degree, but do you really want to teach annoying teenagers while you can work in a place where you do some pretty cool stuff every day?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Why do you always have to be right?"

"I have that annoying habit. Now, go on there and I'll text you when I leave the hospital."

He nodded before pressing his lips to mine, "Got your degrees?"

"I sure do." I nodded, patting my purse, "You might want yours."

"Right, hand them to me."

"See you in two days." I smiled before stepping out of the room quickly.

Two days until an interview. This is great. I pulled my phone out, texting Peter quickly before making my way towards Oscorp. A few minutes later, he replied he's still talking to some people and to just come on in and wait in the front of the building. I sighed quietly before walking through the door quickly, looking around at the people around the room.

I noticed the people behind the desk were busy, so I just walked through the room, biting my bottom lip before making my way over to the elevator. I entered it quickly, making the door close before anyone else go on it. I pressed the top floor button and tapped my foot. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm feeling adventurous right now. 

I stepped out of the elevator when it stopped, making sure no one was around as I did. I walked down the dimly lit hallway, the doors numbered. Nothing telling me what was up here. I frowned quietly and leaned my head against the door to room number 754, mentally listening to anyone's mind if they were in there. When I heard nothing, I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

Quickly stepping in, I shut the door and looked around. The room was a slightly smaller room than any I've been in and it was lit up with an orange glow. I raised an eyebrow and walked through the room, seeing only one computer. I sat down at it as my phone went off.

Where are you? Did you go on home?

No. I'm technically in Oscorp..

Chloe. What are you doing?

Sitting at a computer?

What floor on you on and which room? You don't know what all could happen here.

But it would be fun to find out, right? :D


..Buzzkill. Seventh floor, room 754

I locked my phone and moved the mouse around, seeing a black screen with random icons on it. I clicked on a random one, blinking at the sudden light before looking at a picture of.. Me in my costume?

College-Bound Superheroes (Sequel to 'Spider-who?')Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora