Chapter Twenty-Five

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Comment replies!:

Jmhslm: I know :( he won't be for much longer though!

4VR_Angel: He's very depressed. :(

hannahxxlee: Yes he does! and it's just the depression talking for him, :(

bluephoenix1: I'm glad you decided to read it in the end!

Guys, depression is a serious thing and if it seems like I'm joking about it, I'm really not trying to. We lost an amazing actor yesterday due to depression and it really upsets me. I absolutely loved Robin Williams and I hate he had to take the hard way out. I'm glad he's at peace now, though. R.I.P Robin Williams, you definitely will be missed.♥


I paced around the small living room of an apartment I decided to rent. It wasn't cheap, but hey. It's not my money. I glanced down at my phone for what felt like the hundreth time, still not seeing any calls or texts from Peter. Why did he have to be so stubborn and not realize that it was really me?

Hard headed man.

I plopped down on the couch that the apartment provided and looked around. It was a pretty nice place. If we weren't under these circumstances, I would suggest we just stay and live here. We could probably get jobs as easily as we did back in New York, but I guess it all depends on what Peter suggests.

I jumped slightly as my phone vibrated. I quickly unlocked it, seeing Peter finally texted me.

I'm here. Where do you want me to go?

I smiled slightly before quickly replying, There's a diner right beside of the airport. It's like one of those 50's diners I've always wanted to go to. I'll see you there. :)

He probably still doesn't think it's me. That's how Peter's mind works, I guess. Poor thing. I quickly pulled on my light pink Vans and walked out of the apartment, locking the door before running ovwr to the elevator.


I looked up at the diner and smiled slightly. It was kinda like the one in Grease, but different colors. I bit my bottom lip and tucked a bright red lock of hair behind my ear before quickly pushing open the door, wincing slightly at how loud the bell above it rang. People glanced over in my direction, causing me to smile slightly before looking through the diner, not seeing Peter anywhere.

My heart dropped, a frown replacing the small smile. Where was he? It didn't take even five minutes to get over here! I pulled out my phone, pressing the call button on his contact.

"Hello?" his still depressed sounding voice answered.

"Where are you?" I asked, still looking around the diner.

"In a booth near the back."

I bit my bottom lip and quickly walked towards the back, finally seeing him sitting in a booth, "Okay I see you."

He instantly looked up and around the diner, his eyes stopping on me. His eyebrows scrunched together as he took in my appearence. I smiled slightly and walked towards the counter, only to giggle loudly as he ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me in the air quickly.

"It's really you. Oh God, you're alive. You're actually here." he muttered into my neck as he sat me back down on the ground.

I pulled away and smiled up at him, seeing tears in his eyes, "I'm here, Peter."

He cupped my face in his hands, pressing his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips, instantly kissing him back, "Three weeks." he frowned, pulling away again, "I thought you were dead for three damn weeks."

"And you just had to think someone was pranking you when I called." I giggled slighlty, wiping his cheeks clear of tears.

"Wouldn't you?" he chuckled quietly, staring down at me, "Why is your hair red?"

"That was Harry's big plan." I said, rolling my eyes, "On the bright side, though, I have a bunch of his money." I shrugged slightly.

He smirked and pressed his lips back to mine, "Do you have a place to stay?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand, "C'mon. I'll show you it and then we can test how sturdy the bed it."


Ohh goodness, Chloe xD

They're back together! Yay :) this is longer than the first story, so I'm probably going to stop it soon. BUT DON'T WORRY! I think I'm gonna make a....-wait for it- THIRD BOOK! Yay :D hehe

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