Chapter Twenty-three

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No comment replies today cause I'm still at the beach and feeling really lazy :) I got an idea for this story while reading another story, so I'm really excited to write it!

What the hell am I doing. I shouldn't even be here. Peter's going to so kill me later.. I crossed my arms, watching as Electro scowled up at Spiderman.

"What are you doing here, Electro?" he asked, balanced on the wall.

"Getting my revenge on you." Electro drawled out, his voice still in that static-y way it was years ago.

I shivered slightly at the sound of it. I ran a hand though my hair and glanced up at Spiderman, who was shaking his head slightly, "It's taken you this long to escape? Man, I thought you were better than that."

I rolled my eyes slightly. Really, Peter? Just attack him before he can attack you!

Electro looked around the crowd, his eyes stopping on me. I quickly glanced away, not wanting to be involved with anything.

"Isn't this the girl you always saved?" Electro asked, stalking towards me.

People quickly moved out of his way while I just stared up at Peter, biting my bottom lip gently. He held his hand up, motioning me not to do anything. Sighing quietly, I looked at Electro, who was now directly in front of me.

"Why are you so special to him?"

"I'm not."

"He's been seen with you more than once. What are you to him?"

"Nothing. I don't know him." I stated, staring him straight in the eyes.

He nodded slightly before snapping his fingers, a small spark lighting up between them. I raised an eyebrow, only to gasp as someone grabbed my arms from behind me.

"Miss me?" a familiar voice asked.

I glanced back while struggling again the person holding me, "Harry?"

"Long time, no see." he chuckled, "Come on, we need to have a little chat while Electro here takes care of Spiderman." he smirked before dragging me out of the building, Peter's yells for me reaching my ears before the doors shut.

"Why are you doing this Harry?" I asked as he pulled me over to a van.

"Isn't it obvoius, Chloe?" he chuckled slightly, "Don't you remember the first time we ever met?"

"How could I?" I muttered, rolling my eyes slightly.

He quickly tossed me into the back of the van, looking down at me, "I fell hard for you in those few days."

"That's impossible." I frowned, "No one falls in love that fast."

"I do and I did." he stated, glaring down at me, "Not that you would care. Your head was so far up Peter's ass that you didn't give a shit about me."


"That's why he's going to die today."

"What?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Electro is stronger now. He'll be dead within minutes."

"No." I gasped, tears instantly forming in my eyes, "Harry, please. Don't do this."

"It's too late now." he stated before slamming the doors shut quickly.

I glared at the grey wall, my hands tied behind my back while my feet were tied together. I glanced over at the door, watching Harry walk in quickly, "I'll make a deal with you."

"What." I spat out, the glare still on my face.

"I'll let you live..if you never contact Peter again."

"He'll obviously see I'm still in the city." I stated, rolling my eyes.

"That's why I'm sending you to Florida."


"There you will be known as Lexie Waters. I'm getting someone in here to dye your hair, then you'll be sent on your way to the airport."


"Because Spiderman, well Peter, got away and is now looking for you. If he thought you were dead, he wouldn't be able to function anymore." Harry laughed, nodding slighty.

"Please, don't do this." I frowned, shaking my head.

"There's no other way." he stated before quickly walking out.

Not my best chapter because I really wanted to get the idea out of my head xD

Who's your favorite Batman villian? Mine is The Joker :)

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