Chapter Twenty-Four

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Comment replies!:

hannahxxlee: Haha don't hate on poor ole Harry! He's just got..problems xD

julieloves_you: Here you go :)

bluepheonix1: I'm sorry :( hehe

Soniclvr001: I think you and me would get along greatly xD


I stared out of the plane window, no emotion showing on my face. It's been officially three weeks since what happened with Harry and Electro. Harry thought it would be cute to keep me locked up all that time. The day it all happened, Harry left me alone in the room, leaving the tv on so I could see the live news. Harry had approached Spiderman, telling him that I was already dead and to just give up. Spiderman, or, well.. Peter, crumpled to the ground. You could hear his cries for me as clear as day.

I blinked back the vision of him, looking down at the new phone Harry made me get. I had to admit, it was better than my other one. He had opened a bank account for me, which he would continuously keep money in. I sighed quietly and looked around the plane. Most people were asleep, reading, or watching something on the small tv screens. I pulled up the camera and studied my now straight, bright red hair.

I miss my brown hair. This just wasn' I shook my head slightly and locked my phone back, laying my head against the top of the seat. Maybe I could buy a ticket back to New York and find Peter again. I mean, I couldn't just live, knowing he's broken and hurt.. I frowned and looked down at my hands, picking at my mint green nail polish, an idea quickly popping into my head. What if I just called him when I got off the plane? Harry could take my old phone away, but he can't take my memory away.

Looks like his little plan went down the drain. I smirked to myself, closing my eyes with a new found hope bubbling up inside of me. Now this plane just needed to land.


Quickly running off the plane, I dialed Peter's number. I held the phone up to my ear, listening as it rung.

"Hello?" the depressed sounding voice of Peter answered.

"Peter?" I whispered quietly, biting my bottom lip.

"..Who is this?"

"It's me, Peter. Chloe."

"I don't know who you think you are, but this isn't funny. Chloe died three weeks ago."

"No I didn't! I'm in Florida. Harry sent me here."

"You know, it's creepy how much you sound exactly like her."

"Because I am her." I sighed, shaking my head, "Listen, come to Florida."

"Why should I?"

"So you can see that I'm me. I'm Chloe."

"Okay." he sighed, "Only because I'm depressed and want to get away from here."

"Well," I murmured, "Text or call when you get here and we'll meet somewhere."

"Sure." he sighed before hanging up.

Stubborn as always, but at least I'm getting my husband back.


That didn't last long xD I couldn't stand not having them together :(

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