Chapter Twenty-Six -- End

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Comment replies!:

Soniclvr001: I have no idea lol I've never been to Denny's xD

bluephoenix1: ^-^

hannahxxlee: She certainly missed Peter ,_.

Jmhslm: I'll post it as soon as I find someone to make me a cover! If you can, or if you know anyone who can, please let me know! :D

insanleychaotic: I can't wait to write it!

SmilingHidesSecrets: xD I'm glad!

Like I said in my reply to Jmhslm, I need someone to make a cover! Let me know if you can or if you know anyone who can :)


~One month later~

"Peter, have you seen my jacket?" I called down the stairs, "I'm gonna be late and it's chilly outside."

"You'll survive the cold." he called back, "But it's down here on the table."

I rolled my eyes and quickly jogged down the stairs, "Rude."

"Love you too, babe." he chuckled, pressing his lips to my cheek, "Go have fun with all the little babies."

I smiled slightly and nodded, "Will do. Tell Aunt May I said hi."

"I will. We have dinner with her Friday." Peter stated, looking down at me, "Do you work that night?"

"Um.." I thought over it, "Nope."

"Good." he smiled, kissing me softly, "Now get to the hospital."

"Sir, yes sir." I stated before running out the door quickly.

After all those crazy events, we finally decided to come back to New York and live. We never heard from, or saw Harry anymore. Which is obviously a good thing. Once we got back, we instantly had to explain to everyone that I wasn't dead. People were shocked, but happy, I guess.

I quickly turned the car on, turning the heat up quickly. Why is it so cold today? I sighed loudly, frowning when a wave of sickness washed over me. I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, leaning my head back against the seat. It's nothing. Shaking my head slightly, I pulled out of the driveway.


After a half a day at work, I still feeling sick. I had all the signs to pregnancy..again.. but what if it's just random sickness?..again? I feel like Peter and I are ready for a baby and I don't want to be disappointed not actually being pregnant.

I bit my bottom lip and leaned against the wall in the hospitals staff bathroom. In one more minutes, I should know if I am or not. I ran a hand through my hair and looked down at my phone, sighing loudly. How would I tell Peter if I am? I could just call him. Or text. No, those are too boring. I could get a cake? Maybe just bring it up randomly in a conversation without him even realizing it.

I just want a exciting way to tell him. I was about to Google just that, but the timer on my phone went off instead. I let out a shaky breath and cut it off, slowly stepping towards the sink. It's okay if I'm not.. we can just keep trying.. I closed my eyes as I picked up the test. C'mon, Chloe. Just look at it. Listening to myself, I quickly opened my eyes and looked down at the test, a smile instantly forming on my lips.


While I'm here, why not get a second opinion at the end of my shift?


"Congratulations, Chloe. You're pregnant."

I smiled brightly and sat up, "Really?"

"It's too small to really see it or tell it's gender, but yes. You're pregnant." a woman I worked with smiled as she turned the machine off.

I bit my bottom lip and quickly stood up, wiping the gel off my stomach, "Thanks for doing this."

"You're welcome. Now, go tell that husband of yours."


I sat my plate in the sink, glancing at the clock. Peter should be home any minute. I tightened my ponytail before walking into the living room just as the door opened.

"Hey, Peter."  I smiled, walking up to him.

"Hey, princess." he smiled back, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly, "How was your day?"

"Amazing." I stated, "All the babies were just so cute. I love the fat ones." I giggled slightly, "The small ones kinda make me sad though. Some of them had a full head of hair. Wouldn't be crazy if our baby came out with a full head of hair? I mean, I know that's normal, but I didn't have a full head of hair. You did, though. I think ours will look more like you."

"Why do you keep talking about our baby? And why are you rambling?" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, Peter." I smiled slightly, "I'm pregnant."



Sorry for so many time laspes..Just had to do it :)

Like I said: I need a book cover! The faster I get one, the faster the third book will be out!

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