Chapter Ten

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I frowned and looked back at Peter as we flew off. I lit up my hand and quickly threw it at his head, causing him to drop me quickly. I hovered in the air and glared at Harry, both hands lit up.

"You just don't make this easy, do you?"

"Why are you bothering us years later? Can you not find something better to do with your life?" I asked.

"Revenge is always sweet, my dear Chloe." he stated, flying closer to me, "I'm making your little fiance learn a lesson."

I opened my mouth to say something, only for a web to quickly cover Harry's mouth. I looked back, seeing Peter in his Spiderman outfit quickly swinging up towards us. I met him half way, flying beside him as he swung, "Ready?"

"As always."


"At least we still got married." Peter mumbled as we swayed in the middle of the dance floor.

"Yeah." I smiled, resting my head against his chest, "That didn't take as long as I thought it would." 

"He's still weak." he chuckled.

"Which is good because if he wasn't, who knew what he could have done."


"So, where are we going after this?"

"It's a surprise."

"Peter, just tell me." I pouted, looking up at him.

"Sorry, Mrs. Parker. No can do."

I smiled brightly at the name, "I'm never going to get used to that."

"You better because that's going to be your name for a very, very long time."

"I hope so." I mumbled, pulling away from him as the song stopped, "Let's go get some food."

"We already ate." he chuckled, walking beside of me.

"And your point is?"


I gripped Peter's hand tightly as the plane started to take off. I let out a breath and looked over at him, "What if something happens? Like that movie with Tom Hanks in it?"

"Cast Away?"

"Yeah! What if we crash? What if something like that Nonstop movie happens. I don't want people to be killed every twenty minutes. I don't want a bomb to go off."

"There's a low chance that's going to happen."

"But there's still that low chance, Pete!" I stated, relaxing a little as the plane smoothed out, "We're going to die. Right before our honeymoon."

He chuckled and turned towards me, "You can fly." he stated quietly, "You have powers. You'll survived and you'll help me survive. We're going to be okay."

I nodded quickly and glanced out the window, "Wow." I stated, "I never knew there was a view like this."

"Maybe you should start flying higher." he chuckled, "Or ride in planes more."

"No thanks." I said quickly, turning away from the window.


Sorry for the late update! I've been busy :(

Where should the honeymoon be?

A) Hawaii

B) Paris

C) Italy

You decide!

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