Chapter Eighteen

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"What?" he asked, looking over at me.

"I can't fly and my eyes are back to brown." I stated, frowning, "I don't want to be powerless."

"Maybe it's better that way." he stated as he sat up, "Then if we ever have a pregnancy scare again, it won't be such a big deal."

"Yeah, but now I can't protect the city."

"And that just gives me one less thing to worry about." he chuckled slightly, kissing the top of my head, "Come on back to bed."

"No. I'm gonna take a shower." I sighed, kissing his cheek, "You can."

"Want me to make you breakfast instead?"

"That actually sounds nice." I shrugged, "Pancakes and bacon, please."

"It'll be ready when you're out." he smiled before walking out quietly.


"Should we go house hunting today?" Peter ask, setting his plate down beside mine.

"Maybe." I nodded slowly, "Or an apartment. That would be easier, wouldn't it?"

"I know a couple of houses around here. They're a few minutes out of the city so we'll still be close to aunt May." he stated, cutting up his pancakes.

I nodded and lifted a piece of bacon to my mouth, "You know what I just realized?"

"What's that?"

"We didn't go get anything done to my hair. Do you think she'll notice?"

"We can just tell her you got a trim." he shrugged slightly, "She probably already forgot."

"Chloe, I thought you were going to get your hair done yesterday." May said as she walked into the kitchen.

I glared at Peter before softening my face and looking back over at her, "I went and applied for a job at the hospital instead. I have an interview tomorrow."

"That's good." she smiled brightly, "What position?"

"I'm going to be a midwife."

"Is that what helps with the babies?" Peter asked, looking over at me.

"Yeah." I chuckled, "That's what I studied my butt of for in college."

"I remember now." he nodded slightly, "I applied for a job at Oscorp."

"How'd that go?" May asked.

"I start Monday." he shrugged, "They remembered me from high school."

"That's great, sweetie."

I smiled up at Peter before standing up and walking over to the sink. I sat my plate down quietly as I stared out the window, raising an eyebrow slightly. There was a faint purple glow coming from around the corner of a building, a loud explosion shook the house. I frowned and looked back at Peter, who was instantly on his feet and running towards the door. May and I quickly followed him outside, a couple of cars on fire could be seen, as well as people running away from the purple glow. I frowned and walked down the steps, trying to see what was going on.

"Chloe, aunt May, go back inside." Peter stated, pushing us back into the house quickly, "Let's go to our room."

I quickly followed him upstairs and watched as he pulled his shirt off, revealing the top of his suit, "I'll be back soon. Stay here."

"I'm going with you." I stated, opening the closet door to grab my costume.

"You can't, baby." he sighed, his mask in his hands as he walked up to me, "Remember?"

I frowned, but nodded, "Right, sorry. Stay safe." I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

He hugged me back before pulling away and pressing his lips to mine softly, "I always am."


So, I didn't know what I wanted to do with this story. I knew I wanted something to happen, but I didn't know what. I was writing this and suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I hope it surprises you guys and you like it! :)

I read all these stories on another site and I see writers reply to the people who comment. I wanna do that! If you comment, I'll reply to whoever got the chance to comment before my next update! Hope to talk to some of you soon :)

College-Bound Superheroes (Sequel to 'Spider-who?')Where stories live. Discover now