Chapter Fifteenth

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There was exactly ten test in total. 8 of them were negative while the other two were positive. I bit my bottom lip and glanced up at Peter, "So, does this mean I'm not?"

"Could be. But there's still that two percent chance right here." he stated, motioning towards the tests, "I say we go to the doctor when we get back to New York."

"Okay." I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder, "I'm not ready for a baby."

"Me either." he mumbled, "We don't have a place of our own. We don't even have jobs yet."

"I know. We need to start looking for one when we get back, too."

"After the doctor we will." he nodded, tossing the tests in the trash before pulling me out of the room.


"It's so good to see you two again!" aunt May smiled brightly as she quickly wrapped her arms around us, "Three weeks was too long."

"You know we're going to be moving out soon, right?" Peter chuckled, looking down at her.

"Of course. It just won't be in a different country." she shrugged slightly.

I smiled slightly and looked up at Peter, "What time is the-"

"Tomorrow at eleven in the morning." he said quickly, cutting me off.

"The what?" aunt May asked.

"Her hair appointment." Peter replied, smiling slightly, "We're kinda tired from the flight."

"Okay, dear. Go on and get some sleep." she smiled, shooing us off.

Peter grabbed my hand before pulling me upstairs quickly. I raised an eyebrow and looked over at him as he threw open the closet, "Why are you in such a rush? And why didn't you tell May the truth? Now I gotta go get my hair done." I sighed.

"If she knew there's a pregnancy scare, she'll be freaking out more than us. You can dye it or something." he shrugged, "I'm in a rush because I need to go see if there's any trouble anywhere."

"I'm going with you." I stated, moving over to him and pulling my own outfit out.

"Is that really a good idea?"

"There was way more negative than positive. I think it's a great idea. I haven't used my powers in a while." I stated, quickly pulling my t-shirt over my head.


"If feels good to be out here again." Peter mumbled under his mask as we rested ontop of a large building.

"It definitely is." I agreed, floating over the building slightly, "Seems like everything was in order while we were gone."

"Looks like it." he sighed, turning his head towards me, "How are you feeling?"

"Like normal, Pete. I don't even think I'm pregnant. You need to just stop worrying and calm down."

"I just don't want to be a daddy this soon." he sighed, resting his head in his hands.

"And what if I am, Peter? There's nothing we can do about it. Don't worry. If I am, you won't have to take care of it. You can go out whenever there's trouble and you can do your own thing while I watch the baby." I stated harshly, glaring over at him.


"No, Peter. We're not discussing this anymore until we find out for sure tomorrow." I said before flying away quickly.


Do you want her pregnant or nah? Up to you guys :)

I just kinda think that if she's pregnant, the story won't go anywhere, so think carefully about it!

(You should also go check out my Walking Dead story. I'm liking how it's turning out :D )

College-Bound Superheroes (Sequel to 'Spider-who?')Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora