Chapter Seventeen

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I blinked at the screen and sat back in the chair. Why was I on the computer? I quickly exited off and stood up, making my way towards the door. I don't really want to be here anymore. Turning the doorknob, I raised an eyebrow when it wouldn't budge.

"No, no, no." I mumbled, still trying to turn the knob.

"Babe, you in here?" I heard Peter's voice ask.

"Yeah. I can't get out though." I frowned, "The door is locked."

"Can you use your powers to knock off the doorknob?"

"I don't think I should." I mumbled, "There's something weird going on here."

"What do you mean?"

Before I could answer, the orange lights started glowing brighter. I turned around and leaned my back against the door, raising an eyebrow slightly. A random table appeared out of the floor, causing me to walk towards it slowly.

"Chloe, what's going on?"

I stayed quiet as Peter pounded his fists against the door, yelling at me from behind it. I slowly sat down on the table, knowing this was probably a dumb idea. I let out a breath and glanced at the door, Peter's frantic yells still being muffled by the door. I closed my eyes and laid back, waiting to see what would happen."


I glanced down at my hands, seeing my knuckles were a bright red. I slowly backed away from the door before raised my foot and kicking it roughly. It finally opened, causing me to quickly run into the room. I saw Chloe laying on a table, orange light surrounding her. I ran over to her and placed my hands on her shoulders, seeing that her eyes were closed.

"Chloe? Baby, are you okay?" I asked, my hands moving up to hold her face in my hands.

She mumbled something under her breath before her brown contacted eyes opened, focusing on me, "Peter?"

"I'm right here." I said, "What happened?"

"I don't know." she muttered, slowly sitting up, "Can we get out of here now?"



I woke up the next morning, Peter's arm tightly around my waist. I smiled slightly and turned around, resting my head on his chest and taking in a deep breath. He smelled like he always does: a blind of mint and Old Spice, with a hint of my own vanilla scent. I glanced up at his face, seeing it in a peaceful state.

I kissed his chest gently before pushing his arm off of me and standing up, making my way into the bathroom. I ran a hand through my slightly tatted hair before looking in the mirror, blinking when I saw my normal brown eyes. Did I forget to take my contacts out last night? I picked up the contact container, seeing the brown of the contacts in it. I raised an eyebrow and focused on trying to fly. When nothing happened, I quickly pulled open the door and ran back into the bedroom.

I jumped on the bed, causing Peter to instantly wake up, "What's wrong?" he asked groggily.

"I think I've lost my powers."


Oh no!

If anyone has any suggestions to making this book any better, please tell me :) I would appreciate it.

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