Sex Sex Sex

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Hilary Quigley

Having sex is a very big deal, and if you are going to have it, or you are having it, you have to make sure it’s good for you.

There are a whole bunch of things that come along with sex that a lot of people don’t think carefully about before jumping in. Along with the stuff that feels good, sex comes with a whole big package of things to worry about, like condoms, birth control, AIDS, STIs, lies, pregnancy, and a whole lot of other shit. Even when people do know about these risks, they sometimes just choose to ignore them. It’s like the word “sex” is one huge carpet and all the dirty, messy stuff gets swept underneath it. What we have to realize is that we can’t just sweep everything away; we need to hear about it and deal with the fact that sex is more than taking off your pants and enjoying yourself.

So, if you’re going to have sex, there are things you really need to know. Learn about STIs and birth control so you know how to protect yourself physically. It could be your life on the line. Talk to your partner, your friends, and anyone you trust to prepare yourself emotionally. It could also be your heart on the line. 

Remember that growing up, you took steps, steps like learning how to ride a bike for the first time, walking to school all by yourself, or learning how to ride the subway alone. When you get to the point in your life when you’re ready to have sex, it’s not a step anymore, it’s like a huge jump—a jump that may take you to the other side or you may just fall in the middle, straight down, landing on your butt. Learn everything you can before you leap and you’ll be better off however you land. 

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