AAHH ... The Joy and Bliss of Latex Allergies

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Uh oh ... all this talk of latex condoms, but what if when you use one you get a rash, it burns, it's red and itchy on your genitals? Sounds like you've got a latex allergy. But have no fear! There's an awesome alternative. There's POLYURETHANE condoms. Polyurethane is the stuff that the female condoms are made of, and now some male con- doms as well! Some brands to check out are Durex Avanti (the most widely available brand of polyurethane condoms) and Trojan Supra. Polyurethane condoms are as effective as latex, BUT they're more likely to break ... so make sure you follow the directions on the package. They also conduct body heat better so they feel thinner than they really are, and this makes sex more pleasurable. Polyurethane condoms help protect from STIs and HIV/AIDS as well as pregnancy, so all in all they're just as good as latex! However, they are more expensive than latex, but you can get them at any drug store.

If you think you have a latex allergy, you should go to your doctor to figure out what else might help. You might be allergic to the spermicide on the condom, not the latex itself, so try non-spermicidal condoms. It will just take some research!

Imogene Birchard 

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