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It really irritates me when adults say things like, "If you are not mature enough to take proper precautions about sex, then you are not mature enough to have sex at all." Most of us already know that the number one rule is that you always have to use an effec- tive form of protection against STIs and pregnancy. The reality of life though, is that it doesn't always happen that way.

I know five people who got pregnant around the age when I started having sex, that being 15. Two have had abortions. Of the three who decided to keep the baby, one is currently pregnant, and another had an awful miscarriage. Some people would say that the miscarriage was a blessing in disguise, but to my friend it was really tragic. My friend that carried her baby to term is doing fine, a happy ending you don't often hear with teen pregnancy stories. She is a level-headed woman who knew what she was getting her- self into. As for my friends who had the abortions, I am really proud of them for knowing what they could and couldn't handle. That they knew what they had to do is just as responsible as my friend who kept her child. One choice is not more responsible or smarter than the other. I respect them both equally.

A lot of adults don't understand that many pregnant young women are just as capable as any adult to have a kid. Some young women aren't, I know, but most of the ones that aren't know that they aren't ready for the lifetime commitment of a baby. Young women are a lot smarter than a lot of people make them out to be.

Maybe more teens need to give each other lectures about how to have safe sex and about the dangers of unprotected sex. As far as I'm concerned though, birth control is completely up to me. If I want to take precautions, that is my prerogative, but if I don't, I do not want to be made to feel bad for making a decision I thought a lot about and felt was right for me.

If you're thinking about having sex, just make sure you know all your options, and that you're ready in your mind and body.

Anonyomous, 17

It's amazing how we can create a real human body inside of our very own body. It's incredible how we push an infant out of our bodies and have that baby have the same body and facial features as us.

But what's even more incredible is that you and I can wait until we are older, more experienced, more mature, and more developed (mentally and physically) to give birth to a child.

Because if we're going to bring a human being into this world, we better do it right!!!!!

Suvi Siu, age 15

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