Sexual Pressure

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Chi Nguyen

Most of my girlfriends have been pressured sexually into things they didn’t want to do or weren’t ready for.

This is really horrible.

Most girls think that, if a guy does pressure her, she’ll know what to do, she’ll be able to handle it without any trouble. But when the time comes, many girls often just go through with it, even though they don’t want to.

Speaking from experience, sometimes it is really hard to say no.

No matter how strong you think you are, when a guy starts talking and trying to convince you, it’s hard to stand strong, and to know what to say or how to say it, for fear of rejection, for fear something worse could happen.

So girls, when a guy is pressuring you, stay strong. You say “NO”, get up, and walk away. If he says it’s over or anything else, he’s not worth your time. Any guy who can’t respect what you want isn’t worth it. You can always find someone new and better.

My heart goes out to any girl who’s been put in that position.

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