Chapter 30

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It was a staredown. Mitch and Tiffani were on one side of the small desk and Paris was on the other. Alex, Jason, and Hayden had escorted Jackie to their room about an fifteen minutes earlier, after Tiffani had finished talking on the phone with Ariel for a second time. Ariel had insisted that Paris call Liam as soon as possible and talk it out with him, but Paris was to enfuriated to even think about it.

Without taking her eyes off of Paris, Tiffani slid the phone towards her. Without missing a beat, Paris slid it back.

Tiffani sighed. "You're acting like a child."

Paris frowned. "You're dating a child."

"Hey!" Mitch protested.

Tiffani inhaled sharply and grabbed his arm to signal for him to relax. "Paris! You are normally the one who thinks rationally about things! Get over your stupid pride and call him. He wants to explain. At least give him that! He at least deserves a chance."

"Um, Wendy, darling?" Mitch inturrupted. "After what he did, no he doesn't-ow!" he yelped as she elbowed him in the stomach. Paris rolled her eyes at him. Tiffani glared at him. "Fine! He deserves a chance!"

Tiffani smiled proudly and slid the phone back to Paris. Paris frowned and looked at it for a moment. She eyed Tiffani again. "We'll be right here and you can put it on speaker."

Paris sighed and grabbed the phone. She looked back at her friends across the table. They ushered for her to continue. She groaned and tapped in the familiar number and placed the phone by her ear. She looked back at Tiffani and Mitch, who were grinning eagerly. Paris frowned and pressed the speaker key on her phone before placing it on the table in front of her.

He answered on the second ring. "Hello?"

His voice was strained and raspy. It sounded like he had been crying and it's tone was full of worry. She was to dumbstruck to answer him, so she sat silently.

"Hello?" he asked again. "Paris?"

Her breath hitched. She tried to say something but her voice was caught in her throat. "Look, Paris, if this is you I know your super mad at me right now. I'm not going to deny what happened; I messed up. I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! I-I-I just, I don't know. I didn't mean what I said-"

"Then why did you say it?" she inturrupted.

"Paris!" he cried. "Its so good to hear your voice!"

"Liam!" she scolded. "Answer me." He was silent. She groaned. "You know what? Don't even try! I don't want to know. Do you seriously think anything you say right now is going to help? Or are you not going to think about that either?"

"Paris! I swear, I didn't mean it!" he defended himself. "But I do mean it when I say that I love you! I love you so much and it hurts so much that I hurt you! God Paris! I love you!"

"Really? You love me? Or do you just feel sorry for me? Poor little Paris, so depressed because her sister is dead!" Tiffani gasped. Paris continued. "Did you just think you could show me some sympathy and that I would fall in love and then you.could crush me and I should just be happy because at least someone wanted me? Well you got me! I fell!"

"Paris! Stop!" Liam exclaimed. "I didn't plan on falling in love with you! It just happened! And I'm so freaking happy it did because its the best thing thats ever happened to me!"

"Then why couldn't you just tell everyone that, huh? Because now,I'll be known to the world as Liam Payne's summer fling!" Paris yelled. "You made me sound so shallow, so cheap!"

"I know and I'm sorry, but you need to understand what that interview.was like! I-"

"What are you freaking talking about?" Paris yelled. "How hard is it to sit on a freaking couch and answer questions about yourself? Its a hey, how ya doing? Fine, thanks for having me on the show. Oh, its our honor, now tell us, did you eat a good breakfast today? Why yes, thank you. You are welcome, did you brush your teeth? Funny you should ask; I did, two and a half times! How do you brush half a time? You only scrub your tongue! Gotta look great for the red carpet! Oh Liam, you're halarious; are you dating someone? Why yes, I am and I'm freaking in love with her!" Paris screamed. "But no! All you did was say 'ya, I'm dating someone but.don't worry girls, she's just a summer fling!"

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