Chapter 8 - Broken Hearts and Promises

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Jessica's POV:

When we got back to the house Toby and Anthony sat on the couch while I ran upstairs to get ready.I decided on a green and blue tank top and white shorts.After grabbing all the needed necessities from my bag,I went into the bathroom.

I ran the hot water and hopped in.After washing up,I saw a razor siting on the rim of the tub.It was covered in...blood?It was dried up blood.I held it to my wrist to see it made the same marks as the blade I used before.I shook my head and dried off.I blow-dried my hair and got dressed before walking downstairs.

"Toby Joe Turner!" I yell. "How could you?"

He stands up and looks at me wide-eyed. "Do what?" he asks.

I shake my head and take his wrist,rolling up his sleeve to reveal faded scars.That's when I broke down.I fell to my knees and cried.Flat out sobbing.I know I looked ridiculous but it was the only thing I could think of doing.

I felt a strong pair of arms wrap me in a hug.I look up to see Anthony.I continue to sob quietly before breaking from the hug by standing up."I'll be down in a couple minutes," I whisper.I run upstairs to the bathroom and slam the door shut.

I couldn't believe I was doing this.After I promised I wouldn't.I promised Anthony.But it was too much.I pressed the blade against my skin and draw it across so I draw blood.I cry so the blood and salty tears mix.Blood drops to the floor and I knew I was losing a lot.

"Jessica?" I heard pounding on the door. "Jessica!Open up!"

I shook my head and held my arm behind my back as I opened the door."Hey Anthony," I fake smiled. He wasn't buying it.He pulled my arm from behind my back to see my fresh scar.He shakes his head and lets a tear roll down his cheek.

He works quickly.He cleans the cut with disinfectant wipes and puts a band-aid over it,although I plead him to let me bleed to death.He pushes down on the cut and blood stops flowing out of it.

"Jessica,you promised me this wasn't going to happen again!" Anthony exclaims.

"I-I'm sorry," I stutter. "I-I don't know w-what came over m-me." He pulls me into a hug and we sit there for a couple minutes,just hugging.I bury my face in his shoulder.

"Jessica,I'm so sorry!" I hear Toby say from the doorway. "I didn't know this would happen.I'm so sorry.Please don't ever do this to yourself.I won't do it to myself again,I promise!"

Toby's POV:

I feel awful.I see her bury her face into Anthony's shoulder as he hugs her.I notice the cuts along her arm aside from the one she just made.So she's done it before.

"Jessica,I'm so sorry!" I apologize from the doorway. "I didn't know this would happen.I'm so sorry.Please don't ever do this to yourself.I won't do it to myself again,I promise!"

She looks up at me.Her eyes were puffy and red from crying.She walks over to me and hugs me. "Please don't ever do this," she whispers.

"I won't," I whisper back. "I promise."

Anthony stands up and puts an arm around her shoulders.I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. "We better get to Smosh Headquarters," he mumbles.She nods and they leave.

After they leave and Jessica closes the door behind them I fall to my knees and cry.I did this to her.The only girl I would ever love.I broke her.She cut because I did. "IDIOT TOBY!" I scream at myself. "YOUR SUCH A STUPID BASTARD!YOU RUINED HER FUCKING LIFE!"

I couldn't believe I did this to her.I hate myself for it.It was all my fault she cut.I'm sorry Jessica.So sorry.

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