Chapter 18 - A brother is a forever friend

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Jessica's POV:

After leaving the stage,I decided to walk around with Lily.I was told I was needed over at the 'What's Trending' station,so I walked over to it.There,I see Felix already sitting there.How odd.

"Hi Jessica!" the woman cheerfully exclaims. "I'm Miranda and I'm going to be your interviewer.Just act natural!"

"Alright," I mumble.I take my seat next to Felix and the camera starts filming.

"Hi,I'm Miranda from 'What's Trending' and I'm here with two very famous Swedish gamers.Pewdiepie,and KawaiiJess!" Miranda introduces.

"Glad to be here," Felix cheers.

"So,Jessica,are you and Felix related in anyway?" she asks.Wow,cheerful to serious in three seconds.That's a record.

"Felix is actually my older brother," I answer. "Sorry for the people who wanted to write fan fics!"

I hear a fake 'aww' over the audience and laugh.

"Felix,how did you get started on playing video games for YouTube?"

"Well after I moved out of my parents' house,I started playing video games and I thought it would be awesome to actually have it as a job," he starts.

"And now you do!" Miranda cuts in.

"And now I do," he repeats. "But then I started uploading them to YouTube and it just sky rocketed from there."

"Jessica,in one of your vlogs,you mentioned running from 'the beast'.Could you explain?"

I took a breath.I knew this question was coming up.Some people are just too curious.I look over at Felix and he gives me a sad smile.

"Well,for the seventeen years that I lived with my mother,she had been nothing but abusive," I explain. "So with my audience I call her 'the beast'."

"Oh,I'm so sorry," she apologizes.

"No,it's fine," I deny,wiping away a tear.I laugh slightly. "But now I'm currently roommates with Tobuscus,which is awesome."

"Speaking of Tobuscus,I know a lot of fans are wondering,are you and him dating?"

"No,we are not dating," I say. "He and I are close friends is all.A lot of people ask if he and I are dating.I also get asked if I'm dating Anthony Padilla from Smosh which is NOT true."

"That explains a lot," Miranda smiles. "Sorry if that's been bugging you."

"It's fine," I smile. "It's just a curious question."

"Do you have a boyfriend at this moment?"

"I currently do not."

"You heard it here,at 'What's Trending'!Thank you for being here guys!"

"Your welcome," Felix says.

"Thanks for having us!" I respond.

Felix's POV:

We said goodbye to the interviewer,walking away.She sighed,running her hands through her hair. "Felix,I'm tired of all this," she admitted. "I'm done with interviews,I'm tired of people wanting Anthony and I or Toby and I to be together.I just want it to end!"

I hug her and whisper,"I know you do lil sis.But it's gonna be okay."

She giggles lightly and whispers,"Lily might be my best friend,but brothers are forever friends."

"Damn straight," I chuckle.

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