Chapter 12 - Vidcon Flight

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*Three days and two long nights later*

Jessica's POV:

I was packing up the last of my things for Vidcon.Kalel and I went shopping and I got a bunch of new things.Anthony and Ian came over this morning as we decided to fly together.

"You never told us how you know Kalel," Ian said as I put a new dress in my suitcase.

"Childhood friend," I murmur,closing the case.

"I want the details," Ian complained childishly.I sat down on the edge of the bed.It was a long story.

Ian's POV:

"I want the details," I complain. Jessica never told us how she knew Kalel so I wanted to know. She sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Back in Sweden Kalel had moved there for about three years," she started. "At the time I was getting bullied a lot.I sat by the trash cans for lunch while people threw food at me.She sat next to me with her food and asked,"Do you always sit here?" and I told her I did.We just became friends like that.I sat with her in the library at lunch and we just bonded."

Anthony tensed up.I knew it was hard for him to hear about Kalel from a girl he really liked.I nodded and the room went into silence as she finished packing. Soon it was time to leave.

"Come on Toby!" she yelled. "We need to go!We might miss our flight!" Toby grabbed his bag and we left,riding in the car with uncomfortable silence.

Anthony's POV:

The car ride to the airport was uncomfortably silent.Then I spoke up. "We should do a livestream when we get there," I say finally.

"Sounds like a good idea," Jessica nods approvingly,not taking her eyes off the road. "All of us together?"

"Why not?" Ian asks. She just nods and pulls into the airport.


We get on the plane.Jessica sat between Toby and I while Ian sat behind me.I could tell she was tired.She texted me about eleven at night telling me about a bad dream she had.She rest her head on my shoulder and I put an arm around her,letting her rest on my chest.

"Anthony can I sleep on you?" she whispers.

"Of course," I whisper back,chuckling. By her steadying of breathing I could tell she was asleep.I looked over at Toby and he looked back at me,a hint of sadness in his eyes. Did he love Jessica? I mean,how could you not? But she loved me. Or did she?

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