Chaper 19 - Last Day

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Jessica 's POV:
Today was the last day of Vidcon.I go through the normal,autographs,pictures,performances,meet and greet.Afterwards I go back to the hotel room and pack up my things.I grab my bags and wait for the guys outside.Anthony joins me minutes later,followed by Toby,and lastly Ian.
We drive to the airport in silence.They knew I didn't want to talk about anything so they tried not to mention anything that would make me cry.
During the plane ride,I sat on the outside next to Ian.Every time he would crack a joke,it would make me smile.He made me feel a lot better.
After touching down in California,Toby got his car and we drove home.I stared out my window.I didn't want to look at him.
We got home and I immediately went to my room.I didn't have anything to do,so I stayed alone in my room.I sat against the door.I heard Toby take a seat on the other side but didn't pay a mind to it.
"I wish I didn't put you through this," Toby whispers. "I wish that I didn't start all this.It's all my God damn fault."
I open the door and look at him.He looks at me and I could tell he'd been crying.I kiss him,making him feel better.He melts into the kiss and we kneel there for a couple minutes.When I pull away,I whisper,"I love you."
That's how I knew who I really wanted to be with.But nobody quite understood.

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