Chapter 24 - Canada

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Adam's POV:

We pulled up outside the house.I took Jess's bags and carried them inside while Jerome carried her.Her breath was raspy and I was scared she had broken a rib.

"Should we call a doctor?" Jerome asks,looking at me.I nod as Mitch pulls out his cell phone.I set her bags down next to the couch and grasp her hand.She squeezes it and smiles at me.

"You're going to be just fine," I whisper,getting down on my knees.

"My ribs hurt when I breathe," she admits.I look at her in horror.What would happen?

"An ambulance is on the way," Mitch informs us,staring down at Jessica. "Did you catch the guy beating you?"

"It was some guy in a trench coat," she describes. "He looked like a rapist."

Jerome stifles a laugh and I smile down at her.The sirens of the ambulance blares down our street and pulls into our driveway.Mitch opens the door and the paramedics come in.

"What happened here?" the first paramedic asks while the second lifts her onto the stretcher.

"This man in a trench coat was at the airport when my girlfriend arrived," I explain. "He began to lie to her telling her that he was her dad.And when she didn't believe him he beat her to the ground."

"Alright," the man says.They carry her out to the ambulance. "You may come along,if you wish."

Jerome and I decide to go along with her.Mitch stays home and gets her room ready for when she comes home.

We ride in the back of the ambulance,staring down at her broken figure. "She's going to be okay," Jerome whispers.I clutch her hand like it was the only thing keeping me alive.

"I hope so," I mutter.I kiss her forehead.

The truck stops and they lift her out of the truck and into the emergency room.They take her for an x-ray and we sit out in the waiting room.

I put my head in my hands.If only I had been there sooner,I could've prevented this from happening.

Once the x-ray is done,she hobbles out in a gown.A patient's gown,not a fancy one.

"She's going to need surgery on her ribs.They seem to be fractured," the doctor informs us.I share a look with Jerome and he nods.

"Anything to get her better," Jerome says.

"It will cost about five hundred dollars,considering this is a very heavy operation," the doctor tells us.Jerome nods and the doctor takes her into surgery.

"We just need to know the patient's name sir," a nurse comes up to me.

"Jessica Kjellberg," I say.

"Any relatives?" she asks.

"Felix Kjellberg."

For a while we sit staring at the wall.I let a tear roll down my cheek. "I love ya Jessica," My voice creaks.The ER doors open and Felix enters.He stares directly at me with a tear stricken face.He makes his way over to us.

"What happened?" he asks.

"Some pedophile beat her," Jerome explains.

"We don't know if he's a pedophile," I say to him.

"But for all we know he could be!"

Felix's POV:

"What happened?" I ask.

"Some pedophile beat her," Jerome explains.

"We don't know if he's a pedophile," Adam says to him.

"But for all we know he could be!" Jerome exclaims.

Tears drip from my eyes.Why did this have to happen?

I had gotten a call saying that Jessica was in the hospital and that I needed to come right away.I made sure I was here.

Marzia comes through the doors and clings to me. "You left me back there!" she exclaims.

"I'm sorry I'm worried about my sister," I snap,causing her to stay silent.I close my eyes and let the tears fall. "I'm sorry I snapped,I'm just tensed."

"It's okay,I understand," she reassures me.The doors to the surgery room open and Jessica comes out in her normal clothes in a wheelchair.

"She should be okay," the doctor informs us. "She just needs to stay off her feet for about a month."

"Thank you doctor," I tell him,taking the handles of the wheelchair from him.

We wheel her out of the ER and they make their way to a car with a man waiting inside.

"But we didn't drive here," she mutters.

"Mitch came to pick us up sweetie," Adam murmurs to her.

"Felix,thanks for coming out here," she smiles at me.I smile back. "This was insane.This random guy was a huge douche.Probably a rapist."

I laugh. "You're all better now," I tell her,taking her hand. "Stay safe now,okay?" I hug her.

"I will," she mutters,hugging back.I let her go and she smiles at Marzia. "You're awesome Marzia," she says,pulling her into a weak hug. "Thanks for being here.You're going to make an awesome sister-in-law someday." She winks at me and I laugh,blushing slightly.

She waves and they get into Mitch's car.I wave back slightly,smiling.Marzia and I get into our car and drive off to the airport.

As long as Jessica is okay,that's all that matters.

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