Chapter 26 - The Future

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**Five years later**

Jess's POV:

I held Jenna in my arms and smile down at her.Luke runs up to my side and pulls on my jeans.

"Mommy,can I see her?" he asks hyper.I laugh and hold the baby down to him so he could see. "Hi little baby,I'm your brother," he whispers,smiling.

I hold the baby close to my chest and smile.This is amazing.I have this baby,and the twins,and we thought of having another.I walk downstairs with Luke close at my heels.

"Hey sweetie," Jerome smiles,kissing my cheek.

"Hey hun," I grin. "I think some kids had to much sugar."

Luke and Lynne jump up and down on the couch while watching SpongeBob.Jerome laughs and grabs Lynne around the waist,slinging her over his shoulder.

"Daddy!" she exclaims,giggling.He sets her down and smiles down at her.

"Daddy,is it time for a vlog?" Luke asks,grinning hopefully.Jerome nods,laughing and Luke runs to grab the camera.

"You know," I say. "Five years and we're STILL making YouTube videos for a living."

"It's a good job babe," Jerome smirks.The doorbell rings and I hand baby to him.I run and open the door.It was Felix,Marzia,and Mitch was behind them.Felix clutched Maya's hand.Why he decided to name his daughter after his pug I had no idea.I beckon them in and smile.

"Luke,Lynne," I call upstairs. "Maya is here."

They run downstairs and Lynne reminisces with their cousin. "Hey Uncle Felix," Luke smiles up at him. "Can we play some Call of Duty?"

"Sure,why not?" he chuckles.I swear Luke got his love of violent games from him.Lynne likes MineCraft like me.Luke hands the camera to Jerome and runs upstairs with Felix.Jerome turns on the camera.

"Hey doods,JeromeASF here with the lovely KawaiiJess and Cutiepie," he introduces. "We have the family here.Look at the new edition." I hold the baby in my arms and he points the camera at me.

"Jerome,she's trying to go back to sleep," I whisper.Although I couldn't help giggling.I carry the baby upstairs and tuck her in to sleep.

Jerome keeps the camera on me and I turn around and smile.We walk downstairs and sit together on the couch.

"Guys,we have something to ask," I say into the camera. "Should we have another baby?"

"Leave a comment," Jerome smiles.

Lynne runs over and gets into the shot,causing me to laugh.I sit her on my lap and Maya takes a seat on Jerome's lap.

"Lynne,do you wanna say hi?" I ask.

"Hey doods," she smiles into the camera.

"Hey bros!" Maya laughs.They hug each other like best friends.They get along so well.

"We're unrelated sisters!" Lynne laughs.

"Oh jeez," I groan. "If you WERE sisters." I hug her around the waist,laughing.

"It's time to celebrate having Jenna!" Jerome exclaims happily.

"Do we get cake?" Lynne asks,bouncing up and down on my lap.

"You act like you already did!" Marzia exclaims,laughing.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Jerome snuck them some cake," I laugh.Jerome looks at me and smiles,shaking his head.

"I might of," he chuckles.

"Daddy,I thought we weren't telling mommy," Lynne whispers loudly.I set Lynne next to me and grab one of the couch pillows.I beat Jerome with it while we both laugh.

"I SURRENDER!" he exclaims. "I surrender!"

"Shh," I warn him. "You'll wake the baby."

We sit down and make a few jokes,open fan mail,and do the outro before shutting the camera off. "I love you Jerome," I whisper,kissing him.

"Eww," the girls groan,causing me to laugh.

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