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I heard a gasp.

"Ah fuck." I said putting Roxy down.

I turned around expecting to see Shariah.

Instead, I saw the other guys. "We heard everything." Michael said.

"We saw everything." Chance said.

"Why'd you lie, Roxy?" Brady asked.

"You said you were strictly business." Sergio said.

"Tell us." Brady said.

I looked at her.

She hates being put under pressure.

It gives her such bad anxiety.

The shitty part is, these guys know it.

She was pale.

I felt her pulse.

"Guys, back off her. She didn't do anything. I said those things about Shariah. And I kissed Roxy." I said.

"Well she sure looked comfortable with you." Brady said.

Her breathing quickened.

"I've known her since August. I'd like to think we're comfortable with each other. She's innocent. She didn't do anything." I said.

"Well then why'd you do it, Drew?" Chance asked.

"I did it because I'm sick of Shariah picking on Roxy. Roxy has worked hard and has done way more successful things then she has. She's just being a petty high schooler, continuously bringing up the whole Mike issue." I explained.

"Okay. But why'd you kiss her?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. I was just caught up in the moment." I said trying to protect the both of us.

"Can we please just get back to rehearsal?" Roxy asked.

"Thought you'd never ask." I said.

"Where'd we leave off before the flying nun interrupted us?" She asked.

All the guys laughed at that.

"Our partner work." I said getting ready to do the lift.

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