Twenty Six

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I started my car.

Drew tapped on the window.

I rolled it down.

"You can't leave. Who's going to teach us?" He asked.

"Find someone else. Whoever it is, I hope they're more famous." I said.

"You know he didn't mean that." He said.

"Stop protecting him, Drew. Shariah is the worst girlfriend to walk the planet and he's upset about you two breaking up." I said.

"He just really wants to make a name for himself." He said.

"I did too. But I had some help and did the rest on my own. I didn't get popular because of stupid teenage bullshit." I said.

"Just please come back inside." He said.

"No thanks. I'm fine going back home to my cousins. At least they don't think I'm a homewrecker." I said.

"Listen Roxy, who cares what some sixteen year old kid has to stay. He's not me and he's not my manager. He can't tell me who I can and can't date. He knows I've waited too long for this. I've waited for you since August. I'm not letting you go. Don't let him be the homewrecker." He said opening my car door.

I took out my keys and walked in the studio.

Chance whispered something in Brady's ear.

He walked up to me.

"Sorry." He said.

"Yeah no. I don't know how you were raised, but the way I was raised, was to never except a fake apology." I said.

"I can't do this. What boy band knows how to dance?!" He yelled walking out.

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