Twenty Seven

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I get in the house with the other guys.

"Well thanks a lot, Brady!" I said as soon as I got in.

"What'd I do?" He asked.

"You may have just made our choreographer quit." I said.

"So thanks. We knew when we're going to get paid. She doesn't. She doesn't know who her next paid promotion is coming from. She doesn't know what management company is going to reach out to her next. She can't get paid by Why Don't We right now. They're on tour. She can't get paid by PrettyMuch right now. They're on tour. Has it occurred to you that we're one of the reasons she has a house?" I asked him trying to make him feel guilty.

"I thought you and Shairah were happy together. How was I supposed to know you were miserable? She knew you were miserable and just swooped in! Did you want to break up with Shariah?" He asked me.

"Yes because she doesn't make me as happy as Roxy does. No because I didn't want the confrontation." I said.

"Does she make you happy cause she puts out?" He asked.

"I'm not putting up with this anymore." I said going outside.

"Where are you going?" Sergio asked.

"To the only person who values my happiness." I said slamming the door.

I drove to Roxy's house.

I banged on her door.

She opened it.

"Hi." She said.

I didn't say anything.

I just held her.

"Come in. What's going on?" She asked.

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