Fourty Three

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I heard the doorbell ring.

I open it and see Shariah.

"The hell do you want?" I asked.

"You. What else could a girl possibly want?" She asked.

"No. You can't have me. I'm taken." I said standing my ground.

"Come on, Drew. Live a little." She said coming inside.

"Shariah, get out." I said.

"Why would I leave when the fun is just getting started?" She asked leading me upstairs.

"No." I said as I yanked my hand back.

"Come on, Drew. Remember how good we were together?" She asked.

"That's in the past. Right now, Roxy's my present." I said.

"I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way." She said pushing me on the couch.

She got on top of me and kissed me.

I pushed her off.

"Stop Shariah!" I yelled.

"I'm finally ready though." She said.

"I don't care! It wouldn't even matter cause you weren't my first! Roxy was!" I yelled.

"You slept with her?!" She asked.

"Yes! And she's great in bed!" I yelled.

Apparently, that only made it worse.

She got back on top of me.

"Get off me!" I yelled.

"No!" She yelled taking my shirt off.

I watched as the door open.


"Who the hell leaves their door unlocked?" The voice asked.

Oh god it's Roxy.

"What the fuck?!" She asked.

She saw me shirtless and Shariah on top of me.

"Rox, she came onto me." I said.

She came over and threw Shariah on the floor.

Roxy got on top of her and ripped her extensions out.

But she did worse.

While Shariah tried fighting back, Roxy grabbed her hand and made her hit her own face.

Shariah was bleeding.

Roxy took Shariah by the door and threw her out.

"Is it bad I'm kinda turned on by you?" I asked.

"Don't ever speak to me again." She said.

"Roxy please. You have to believe me when I said she came onto me." I said.

"No Drew. I trusted you and you let me down. I promised Vic and Mike I wouldn't let guys hurt me when I moved out to LA. I guess it's too late." She said throwing the ring I gave her at me.

"Roxy wait." I called as she got in her car.

I tried running after her.

I looked down at the ring.

"I'll always love you." I whispered.

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