Twenty Four

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I walk into the studio prepared to be bombarded with questions from the guys.

I took a deep breath and opened the studio doors.

I walked in and they were all sitting together.

"Hi guys." I said putting my bag down.

"Sit with us, Rox." Drew said.

I walked over to them.

"Just breathe." He whispered.

I nodded and tried to focus on my breathing.

"What made you want to break your rule for Drew?" Chance asked.

I looked at him.

"I just felt something about him one day after rehearsal. And I realized when you really like someone, you'd do anything to have them." I explained.

"Why'd you have that rule if you were just going to date him?" Sergio asked.

"Vic and Mike made it up for me. They didn't want me getting hurt and they knew I'd be working with guys around my age. And I had no idea I was going to suddenly catch feelings for Drew." I explained.

"So you guys just started recently dating?" Chance asked.

"Like two days ago." I said.

"Why'd you wait to tell us?" Michael asked.

"Well one, I didn't want to be grilled with questions by you guys. And two, there's just something about having your own private moments with someone you love that really makes your relationship even more special." I said to all them.

Drew smiled and put his arm around me.

"So you guys love each other?" Brady asked.

"I've loved her since August." He answered.

"These feelings may be new, but I know what I feel." I said.

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