Twenty Three

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"If you and Shariah broke up, why didn't you come home last night?" Chance asked.

"We got into a really heated argument that basically lasted all night. I was so tired, I took a wrong turn and accidentally drove to Roxy's house. I just asked if I could sleep on the couch." I explained.

"I'm surprised she'd let you do that." Michael said.

"It's not like I tried anything with her." I said.

"Yeah but still. She's really strict about her rule." Sergio said.

"I was tired from arguing all night and Roxy was just being a nice person. She was upstairs in her room and I was downstairs. I left before she even came downstairs." I explained.

"Okay then." Brady said.

"But why did you and Shariah break up?" Chance asked.

"Because there's someone else I'm in love with. Sure we were great together for publicity. But there's just someone out there who's more special." I explained.

"Why are you letting a crush that won't matter in ten years get to you?" Brady asked.

"Well who said I was talking about Roxy?" I asked.

"Bro, it's honestly so obvious." Michael said.

"The way you stare at her at rehearsals. The day you kissed her." Chance said.

"Yeah. You'd drop everything if it meant to go out with Roxy." Sergio said.

"Well yeah of course. Who wouldn't want to date Roxy?" I asked.

"We all do. But we all know how you feel about her." Brady said.

"I can't help that I'm in love with her." I said.

"Does she know?" Chance asked.

"Maybe I don't know." I said.

"Are you dating her?" Sergio asked.

"Obviously not." I said.

"Drew." Chance said.

"Okay fine yes." I admitted.

Lover 🖤: They know...

My girl ❤: Why'd you tell them?

Lover 🖤: They put the pieces together.

"Please don't grill her with questions tomorrow. You know how she gets." I said.

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