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I drive over to Roxy's house with fear in my mind.

This is like a life or death situation.

If I fuck up, or Vic and Mike don't like me, they might kill me.

And don't forget the other two hundred rockers Roxy knows.

I find a spot to park in front of her house.

I take a deep breath before knocking.

I hear feet running.

The door opens and she's on someone's back.

"Welcome!" The guy said.

"Thank you?" I asked.

"Drew, this is Kellin Quinn. He's the literal definition of my dad." She said jumping off his back.

"I'm a dad. But not her dad." He said shaking my hand.

"So nice to meet you." I said feeling even more nervous than before.

"Come in! Come in! We don't bite!" Vic said.

"I don't maybe he does." Mike said.

"Meet my crazy family." She said.

I laughed a little.

I sat on the couch next to Roxy.

"You've probably had the speech before but we'll just remind you of it." Kellin said.

"Yup. You probably know about her horrific past." Vic said.

"Um not really. I never really brought it up." Roxy said.

"Okay well you're going to know about it soon." Mike said.

"Once you hear it, you'll feel like a dick if you ever break her heart." Kellin said.

"With that said, if you ever do hurt her. No matter where we are, we'll be there to break you in half." Vic said.

"Yeah. And it won't be us three. It'll be many more." Mike said.

"You hear that?" Kellin asked.

"Yes sir." I said.

"Then you have our blessing." Vic said.

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