Sixty One

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"Who?!" Everyone asked me.

"Sergio." I said.

"Sergio?!" Roxy asked.

"Who the fuck is Sergio?" Awsten asked.

"He's a part of In Real Life." She said.

"You told me that you were friends with all the bands you choreograph." Vic said.

"Yeah. And I thought we were." Roxy said.

"Wait, how can we be so sure it's this Sergio kid?" Mike asked.

"Well I thought about when Roxy asked who does she know that hates her. She obviously knows Sergio. And right now Sergio hates her." I said.

"Why does this kid hate her?" Alex asked.

"Because she asked me to move in with her and because she changed the choreography to all the dances when he liked the orginal better." I said.

"Oh and his username has a part of his name in it." I added on.

"I didn't think he was like this." She said.

"Well what do we always say?" Vic asked.

"Never let anyone in too close because they could light you on fire." She said.

"That's exactly what he did. He burned you, Rox. Burned you bad." Alex said.

"Now what do I do?" She asked.

"Give me the address of this kid and let me beat him up." Awsten said.

"We have to be civil about this." I said.

"Have you met my family?" She asked.

"Just tell him you know." I said.

"No. We have to know it's him." Alex said as he told Roxy what to type.

"Okay. It sent." She sighed.

miss.roxy: Show up to the dance studio a block away from Rodeo if you're not too chicken.

"We're all obviously coming with you." Awsten said.

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