Sixty Four

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I get out my laptop and email my letter of resignation to Jon.
Subject: Choreography
Good afternoon, Jon
You don't know how excited I was when you reached out to me asking to be In Real Life's choreographer. I love dance and teaching people. While that love will never go away, I must resign as In Real Life's choreographer. I have had some personal issues with one of the members within the past week that has affected me to work. Please know I am leaving for that reason and not to make sure PrettyMuch and Why Don't We have better choreography.
Roxanne Mackenzie Fuentes

"There. I did it. I'm no longer your guys' choreographer." I said to Drew.

"No one can choreograph better than you." He said.

"I didn't want to. But I can't stand being within a ten mile radius of Sergio." I said.

He sighed.

"I feel the same way. He physically put his hands on you. He hurt you. What man does that?" He asked.

"I don't know. But I'm going to miss you guys." I said.

"I know I'm going to miss you. As our choreographer. You're so talented." He said.

"I wish I could stay longer." I whispered.

He held me to his chest.

"I might not stay long either." He whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"After what he did to you and what I did to him, I don't know how I can go on in this band." He said.

"Do what you want. I'll still love you." I said.
Re: Choreography
Hi Roxy,
I'm so sorry to see you go as our choreographer. I told Drew not to let your guys relationship ruin the choreography but I guess it's too late. We still support you, Rox.
Jon Clubb
Sent from my IPhone

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