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"How'd your little date go?" Vic asked when I got in the house.

Vic and Mike are finally visiting from San Diego!

"It was a lot of fun." I said.

"So are you guys like dating?" Mike asked.

I slowly nodded my head.

"Ooh Roxy!" Vic said.

"I want to meet this kid." Mike said.

"Well I'm going to invite him over tomorrow so you guys can meet him then." I said texting him.

Foxy Roxy 🤤❤: Come over tomorrow. Vic and Mike are dying to meet you.

Lover 🖤: Yikes. Okay...

Foxy Roxy 🤤❤: There's nothing to be nervous about!

"Can Kellin come too?" Vic asked.

"Is he back from Australia?" I asked.

"Yeah. He got home like two days ago." Mike said.

"Oh. Then hell yeah!" I said.

I've known Kellin Quinn since I was fifteen.

He's literally my dad.

"You obviously know why we want to meet this young fellow." Mike said.

"Yeah yeah. Don't break my heart. If you do I'll kill you. All that bullshit every dad has with their daughter's boyfriend." I said.

"We're just looking out for you, Rox. You know the last thing we want is you getting hurt." Vic said.

"Yeah. Once a Fuentes, always a Fuentes." Mike said as him and Vic did their brother handshake.

"You guys are idiots." I said rolling my eyes.

"But we're your favorite idiots!" Vic said as him and Mike hugged me.

"Yeah, yeah. I missed you guys too." I smiled.

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