Twenty Five

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"One more question before we start." Brady said.

"Yes what is it?" She asked.

"How does it feel to be a homewrecker?" He asked.

"Brady!" Me and the rest of the guys yelled.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"You heard me. You're a homewrecker. And it's quite obvious. You and Shariah hate each other so this is how you get back at her." He said.

"Do I hate Shariah? Yes I do. But I can tell you I really do love Drew. He's my first real boyfriend and I wouldn't let anything ruin that." She said.

"Wait. I'm your first?" I asked.

"I mean sure I've made out with people. But I've never had an actual boyfriend." She said.

"Don't change the subject." Brady said looking at him.

"You tore them apart. If you didn't repress your feelings we wouldn't be in this situation." He said.

"I've repressed my feelings for twenty one years. And frankly I've had enough. I don't care if 'I tore them apart.' I'm finally expressing how I feel and damn it feels fucking amazing." She said to his face.

"And honestly, I think I saved Drew. We all knew they were dating for publicity. He obviously looked miserable." She said.

"It was fun. But I couldn't see us lasting long." I said.

"But it had people talking." Brady said.

"Jesus, Brady. Are you that fame obsessed? Out of all the boys I've worked with, you're the worst. All you care about is fame and numbers and materialistic items. Grow up." She said.

"I'm not!" He said.

"Yeah uh huh. In the words of my best friend Awsten Knight, I think you're the worst of them all." She said heading for the door.

"Roxy wait!" I said going after her.

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