Twenty Two

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Drew just told me he loves me.

I'm in shock.

I never thought I'd get a boyfriend.

Sure I've kissed lots of boys and lost my virginity.

But there's just something special about having a person all to yourself.

I always thought I'd be one of those girls who's too successful for a man.

I'm a choreographer for three big boy bands, I've played violin on an All Time Low album, I have my own line at Hot Topic, and I get paid promotions.

I've been taught to put myself before others because in the end, everyone screws you over.

But I finally have something special.

"Drew." I said.

"Yeah baby girl." He said.

"I love you." I said.

He grabbed me and pulled me closer.

"You're my girl. Never forget it." He said. I fell asleep in his arms.

"Waking up to you has to be my favorite thing." He said.

I smiled.

"I really got to get home. The guys are wondering where I've been all night." He said.

"Remember to try and keep us a secret at rehearsal." I said.

"Got it." He said kissing my cheek.

Later in the day, I drove to the studio.

"Hello In Real Life." I said putting my bag down.

"What do you know about Drew and Shariah?" Brady asked me.

"Wow. No 'Hi Roxy how are you?'" I asked.

"Yeah guys. Get it together. How's your day going, Rox?" Drew asked.

"It's good thank you very much." I said.

"I know nothing about Drew and Shariah." I said.

"Well they broke up." Brady said.

"Wow. That's unexpected." I said playing along with Drew.

"Yeah. She just wasn't the right one for me." He said looking at me.

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