Fourty Six

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"I'll see you later. Okay?" Drew asked as he was about to leave my house.

I nodded as he kissed me.

I gently closed the door as I watched him get into his car.

"I'm guessing y'all made up?" Awsten asked.

"Yup." I smiled.

"I knew it after the yelling stopped. Then I heard moans. You two used protection, right?" He asked.

"Of course we did, dad." I said.

"Hey, I'm just trying to look out for you so Vic and Mike don't kill me." He said.

"Why would they kill you?" I asked.

"Cause I didn't enforce the biggest rule of them all." He said.

"Are you guys normally that loud?" He asked.

"Awsten!" I said.

"What? It's a valid question!" He said.

"Fine. Then no. It was just different cause that's how we made up." I said.

"Well that explains everything." He said.

Drew posted a picture of us.

He was holding me and we were kissing.

liked by: chance, edwinhonert, and 56,566 othersNobody ever comes between me and my girl

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liked by: chance, edwinhonert, and 56,566 others
Nobody ever comes between me and my girl

piercethevic: Hand placement!

chance: This is quite cute

brady: Yasssss

lukasjamesmusic: Goals

miss.roxy: That's right, baby 😏🖤

Let what I did to Shariah be a lesson to her sister, don't ever try and fuck with me. Whether it's mentally or physically.

"What'd you do when you saw them?" Awsten asked.

"I went all Chula Vista on her ass. Ripped out her extensions and made her bleed." I said.

"Oh my god, Rox." He said.

"Least she knows not to fuck with me." I said.

"Fair point." He said.

I posted a picture of Drew and I.

He was behind me and we were about to kiss.

liked by: lukehemmings, seavydaniel, and 467,677 others In the end it's him and I

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liked by: lukehemmings, seavydaniel, and 467,677 others
In the end it's him and I.

brady: Oo couple goals

drews.perfection: Stop trying to ruin my innocent Drew boo

piercethevic: Cute guys!

drew: You know it baby girl 😏❤

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