Epilogue Pt. 2

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Well today's the day.

The day every girl's ever dreamed of.

I don't have many friends that are girls.

As a "maid of honor" I have Awsten as my man of honor.

He comes into the room I'm in.

He has one hand over his eyes and he's carrying a bouquet of roses.

"I don't know if you're in your dress yet." He said.

"Not yet." I laughed.

"Okay." He said putting his hand down.

"From the groom." He said placing them down.

I read the note attached to it.

Fuck me if I'm right, but your favorite flower is the rose, correct?

I laughed. I took a picture of the note and sent it to him.

Angel Girl 💜: 1 Attachment Real classy

Baby Boy 💙: Just making sure I get some tonight 😏

I laugh again.

That's probably what made me fall the hardest for him.

His sense of humor.

Awsten came back with his hand over his eyes.

"If you haven't already, please start putting your dress on." He said.

I did the finishing touches on my makeup.

I take the dress out of its bag.

The top was all bejeweled, where my midriff is is all see through, and the rest is like a ballgown.

I put it on.

I put on the matching heels.

I go out to Vic and Mike.

They'll be giving me away.

"Oh Roxy." Vic said tearing up.

"Please don't cry." I said as Mike put on my veil.

"I can't help it. I've watched you grow from an infant to a woman all in just twenty three years." He said.

I grabbed onto both of their arms.

They walked me down.

I saw Drew's reaction.

He was crying a little.

"Do you have vows prepared?" The preist asked.

"I do." Drew said taking out a piece of paper.

"Roxy, the first day I met you, you turned my world upside down. I knew I had to at least try and date you. Who thought it would lead to today? I know we're still young and have our whole lives ahead of us. But I want to start my life as early as possible with you. I can't say this enough, but you really are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you, angel girl." He said.

I started tearing up.

"Drew, I've known you for two years. But somehow, in someway, it feels like I've been waiting for you all my life. It's like I was missing a piece of me and twenty three years later I finally found it. You've shown me so much unconditional love the past two years. And I can't thank you enough for all that you do. From loving me on my worst to loving me on my best. Thank you for wanting to spend the rest of your life with me. I love you, baby boy." I said to him.

We exchanged rings.

"You may kiss your bride." The priest said.

Drew bought his lips to mine.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Ramos!"


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