Thirty Seven

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Roxy fell asleep on my chest.

She looked so cute.

I put my arm around her and squeezed her.

I've always wanted this to happen.

Just like in the movies.

Every time Shariah got tired, she just kicked me out.

Roxy really does make me happy.

With her, I don't have to try to impress her.

She's more than fine with me being myself.

That's what I find most attractive about her.

That she's so down to earth.

Good job raising her, Vic and Mike.

I still remember when I first saw her.

We walked into the studio and she was just sitting there playing on Snapchat.

The way she acted sending snaps to her friends was adorable.

It's hard to believe she's only twenty one but she's accomplished all this stuff.

I know some of the fans don't like her because she can be too "scandalous" at certain times.

But that's what I like about her.

She doesn't pretend to have this good girl rep about her.

I mean how can you have a good girl rep when your cousins are rock stars?

I stroked her hair.

"I love you, angel. I don't care what people have to say about you. So what you wear revealing clothes? You're a stunning young girl. Now is your time to be free. Just remember I'll never stop loving you. If you never want to put out again. I mean I hope you don't, but still. You're mine. Never ever forget that." I said kissing the top of her head.

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