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"So what about your past?" Drew asked when Kellin, Mike, and Vic went out.

"It's like really long though." I said.

"I always have time for you, baby." He said.

"Okay well like I said before, school wasn't really my thing. Like elementary school and middle school I was fine in. It was just when I got to high school." I explained.

"What happened when you got to high school?" He asked.

"I worked hard to get good grades. But I was just never able to pick up the material. I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. I just thought this was the road bump everyone has in their life." I said to him.

"Was it?" He asked.

"No. My parents would see the grades I would get on tests and quizzes. They would yell at me and say it's near impossible for to be a teacher with these grades." I explained.

"I'm so sorry, Rox." He said holding my hand.

"I never really let their words get to me. Until they started abusing me about it." I said.

"You were abused?" He asked.

I nodded.

"There wasn't a day I would wake up with a black eye or bruises all over my body. It got hard to dance. But I still danced because of how much I love it." I said to him.

"Then what happened?" He asked.

"My sophomore year didn't get better honestly. That's when they kicked me out and I started living with Vic and Mike." I said.

"Is that when they wrote that song about you?" He asked.

"Yes. The beginning is how I used to climb their giant oak tree when I would get frustrated. The chorus is how I always used to say no one would date a mentally insane girl. The second verse is me asking if I could stay with them. The bridge is them telling me I'll be alright." I explained to him.

"Wow." He said.

"They worked hard trying to get me to work. I ended up playing strings with All Time Low for some of their acoustic songs. That's how I first got started." I said.

He hugged me tightly.

"Thank god you're okay." He whispered.

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