Fifty Nine

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I notice that Roxy hasn't been herself the past week.

She never eats anymore and is constantly on her phone.

Whenever she steps outside it's like she's terrified of the outside world.

drew: Hey Vic. Roxy's been acting really strange lately.

piercethevic: Strange how?

drew: She hasn't been eating like at all. And she's scared of everything. Awsten doesn't know what to do and I don't know either.

piercethevic: That is strange... I talked to her for four hours once about how important it is to eat so she should be fine. She's not scared of anything.

drew: Should I try talking to her?

piercethevic: It's worth a shot. If she blows up at you, get Awsten or get her phone and call either Mike or myself.

I go back into our room.

"Roxy baby, where are you?" I asked.

I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Baby girl?" I asked.

She slightly opened the door.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Oh um we can talk when you're done." I said.

"We can now." She said.

She opened the door so I couldn't see the rest of the room.

"What are you doing in there?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said.

"We promised we'd always be honest with each other." I frowned.

She broke down crying.

"Roxy?" I asked.

"I can't." She cried.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm so scared of everyone and everything." She cried.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'm being blackmailed. And the person said they'd reveal everything about my past on their Instagram if I didn't do what they said." She explained.

"Is that why you're not eating?" I asked.

She nodded.

"What else did they say?" I asked.

She showed me her phone.

irl.chance.bergio: Smoke a cigarette.

irl.chance.bergio: You better have smoked the whole thing... Or else

irl.chance.bergio: Plan your suicide.

irl.chance.bergio: Slit your wrists. Five on each.

"Oh my god. Did you?" I asked.

"I was about to." She cried.

I held her.

"We're getting Vic and Mike up here." I said.

"But they're busy working on the new album." She said.

"You're basically their sister. They have time for you." I said calling Vic on Roxy's phone.

"Hey Vic. It's Drew. I need you to come to LA with Mike. Like right now. Roxy's being stalked and blackmailed." I said. I held her close to my chest.

"They're on their way." I said.

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