Fifty Six

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I open the door and see Drew's face.

"I'm home, baby." He said.

I kissed him.

"Awsten, we have a new edition." I smiled.

"Is that puppy you've been talking about?" He asked.

"No... I wish though." I said.

Drew gave me a look.

I laughed.

"Drew's going to be moving in with us." I said.

"Forever?" He asked.

"Forever." I said.

I watched as he got up from the couch and shake Drew's hand.

"Welcome to the family. Don't be too loud and use protection." He said patting his shoulder.

"What?" Drew asked.

"Remember the last time we made up?" I asked.

"Of course I do, baby." He said.

"Well Awsten kind of heard us." I said.

"Kind of?" He asked.

"Oh god. I'm so embarrassed." Drew said covering his face.

"It's cool. As long as you're quiet and use protection." He said.

"We can share my room if you wish." I said.

"I'd love that." He smiled.

I helped him unpack.

"How do the guys feel about you moving out?" I asked making space in my closet.

"Chance is cool with it. Sergio isn't. He said I love you more than making music." He said.

"Because you're moving in with me?" I asked.

"Yup." I said.

"That's stupid. You're still in the band. Just not in the same household as them." I said.

"I know! I don't have to be living with you to be in the band! It's just so frustrating." He sighed.

"Well there's no need to be frustrated here." I said rubbing his shoulders.

"I think I'm sitting on your phone. I felt a vibration." He said getting up.

I tapped on the notification.

irl.chance.bergio: You're a slut.

irl.chance.bergio: You'll never be known for anything.

irl.chance.bergio: You should be ashamed of your family.

I showed Drew.

"Use your Latina charm to put that troll in their place." He said snapping his fingers.

miss.roxy: I know... I am a sweet little unforgettable thing. And I will be known for something. I'm working hard at being the best coreographer there ever was. I will never ever be ashamed of Mike. He saved my life and those accusations were proven false. I'm a Fuentes and proud.

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