A thought before the sleep (Author note)

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Just saying what has been worrying me lately to let you guys know. Nothing important in the text below.

Beautiful morning/ afternoon/ evening or night. I really hope you're feeling good, that you're not being worried by your own problems too much.

I'm not going to lie. Lately, as some of you already know, I haven't been satisfied with the way I'm writing. I feel this book lost the energy it always had, the fun and that power to drag you into the story. To feel what Evan is feeling. But it's gone. I'm not trying to bring myself down, I'm stating the facts.

When I started to write (geez almost 2 years ago!), it was basically for my cousin. I managed to crawl out of the shyness and embarrassment, embracing the fear of posting something publicly. And you guys loved it! I couldn't have wished for better start. You guys welcomed me here with opened arms, with opened hearts, and you've done so much for me. Things you even have no idea about.

Months passed months and here I'm. Over 800 followers, over 800 unique people who patiently wait for me to post new chapters. And I couldn't be happier, because you guys are seriously the best. You're making me smile with every like and laugh on every silly comment. Making me proud with your attempts to write something on your own or how you spend your precious time to draw for my books. And trust me when I say that you deserve much more attention than I'm giving you.

But lately, as a human, I found myself on the top. Being cocky and proud of my success, of my writing and everything. I stopped enjoying the small things you all had been showing me, and I focused myself on the bigger stuff. That's why my writing is shite lately. Because I write for the fame and not for the joy. My thoughts had been around
why does this chapter got this amount of likes and views while this didn't. How and where can I get more followers?
And I hated those ones!

So with this small promise I'm going to give you right now, I promise I'll always look back. To the point where I start. From the same spot as every single one of you. Because going after the fame is not who I am, it's not who I want to be. I want to be here for you guys. And I will always be.

Because making you smile and making your days better is what makes me happy the most. Because you guys are so important in my life and because I wish to help you to chase your dreams, to overcome your fears. Even if it's the silliest one.

Let me help you ❤️

All right, that's going to be all. I can peacefully go to sleep now. Goodnight 😘

P.S: hope this make sense 😂
P.P.S: I'm sorry with slow replying to your messages! I'll get better with that too!

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