Chapter 1

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"Tell me now Carlos!"

"Can we talk in private?" he asked.

OB just threw his hands up and went in the house.

"Now talk! That bitch felt to comfortable. You were just a little to protective of that bitch!"

He looked at me like I was crazy. He sat down and looked up at me.

"When you left me I met Alexandria. I started fucking with her and shit was ok. When I found out where you were I just left her. I didn't say shit. I had Hector move her out my house and I came I got my wife." he said.

"How the fuck does she know where we live? We just brought this fucking house."

"She is well connected. She probably had her people track me down. Babe this shit could get ugly. Her father runs the biggest cartel in Cuba." he said.

I dont give a fuck about that bitch or her fucking daddy I will kill all of them.


OB came in and sat next to me. I knew he wanted to take this chance to talk to me.

"Say what you have to say OB."

"Desire I am sorry. I should have told you about Kima, but it wasn't my place. I kept telling Aubrey to tell you and he told me that he would. You are family to me too. I would never want to hurt you." he said.

I felt bad, but I was still mad at him.

"My son could have died OB. You were there when my daughter died. You know how that almost broke me. You could have gave me a heads up."

The tears started to fall. "Aubrey is laying in the hospital in a fucking coma. My kids need him and I do to."

I was over everything.

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